This tiny video was taken of a Xenon 2000 scene remake, which is a top down shoot'em game for windows originally written by the Bitmap Brothers way back into 2000 as game programming tutorial series. This version of the remake is written in PlayBASIC using our OpenGL library called G2D for the display. Normally PlayBASIC uses DirectX and software rendering.
This remake isn't necessarily to show a working game, just how easy it is to port existing PlayBASIC programs to use G2D display library. The video capture is sadly very framey even at a low resolution, which is annoying as the actual demo runs at 500+ fps even on the legacy test system, which is 9->10 years old,
The demo is running in PlayBASIC V1.64P3 which is the current retail edition at the time of writing. The PlayBASIC G2D library supports rendering PlayBASIC images / sprites / maps / fonts / Particles and various 2D primitives though OpenGL interface .
You can find the source code for this demo and 1000's and others on our forums.