AI DOOM - AI Doom Changes Games Forever ??

Started by kevin, August 28, 2024, 10:00:14 PM

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AI DOOM - AI Doom Changes Games Forever ??

In this video, the presenter delves into a groundbreaking advancement in AI technology applied to gaming, focusing on a new AI-generated version of the classic 1993 game, "Doom." Over a year ago, Nvidia's CEO predicted that the future of gaming would involve AI-generated pixels, and this project seems to bring that future closer.

The video begins with a brief history of Doom, highlighting its revolutionary impact on the gaming industry with its cutting-edge 3D graphics and gameplay when it was released. The discussion then shifts to a novel project by Google researchers called "Game Engine." This project has created a version of Doom where every frame is generated in real-time by AI, not just pre-rendered. This AI-generated Doom is playable, unlike other AI-generated content that merely simulates gameplay.

The Game Engine is a fusion of two AI models: a reinforcement learning agent that understands and plays the game, and a diffusion model that generates the visual elements. The AI learns the game's mechanics and environment, allowing it to generate images that reflect the player's actions in real time. This approach is contrasted with traditional procedural generation, which is algorithm-based and less dynamic.

Despite its current limitations—like running at only 20 frames per second and experiencing degradation over time—this project represents a significant step forward. It hints at a future where game development could be more accessible, potentially allowing more people to create complex game environments without the need for extensive programming knowledge.

The video concludes by noting that while this AI-generated Doom might not revolutionize gaming overnight, it serves as a proof of concept for a new direction in game development. The choice of Doom as the test subject is rooted in its historical significance and its enduring appeal to both gamers and developers.