Double Clicking project file only opens the IDE(version Beta V0.36)

Started by piamoo, January 07, 2015, 02:51:42 AM

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I have made the file association of PlayBasic project file with this version of IDE in Windows Explorer. I am using Windows XP.

Double Clicking project file only opens the IDE but not opens the project file. Is it possible to solve this problem? Thanks a lot.


 That's because It doesn't support loading projects via associations.  It does however currently support drag and drop.


Quote from: kevin on January 08, 2015, 12:45:41 PM
That's because It doesn't support loading projects via associations.  It does however currently support drag and drop.

Hi, ok.....

Actually, I really hope that some important improvements can be done for this IDE in 2015.! Yes...this IDE is all users' hope.! All users are waiting for this IDE to mature! Any plan? Thanks.


QuoteActually, I really hope that some important improvements can be done for this IDE in 2015.! Yes...this IDE is all users' hope.! All users are waiting for this IDE to mature! Any plan? Thanks.

     PlayBASIC - The Exponential Nature Of To Do Lists (login required)
     As you can see, there's so much on the internal to-do list that priorities / compromises (time/cost) have to be constantly made, beyond that, the determining real factor of most things will be the activity level of the community ! 

     The IDE4 (there have been 3 previous IDE's, but only 2 releases ), project started out as nothing more than a curiosity, where the initial thought was "is it possible to build an PlayBASIC styled edit control in VB6?".  After some initial work, it seem viable but was shelved.   You see IDE discussions tent bring out  IDE developers, and soon after, another 3rd party was offering us a nice new shiny customized IDE.  But all we got was thin air.   Amusingly this same scenario has been repeated multiple times since then. :(   



Quote from: kevin on January 13, 2015, 12:41:53 PM

QuoteActually, I really hope that some important improvements can be done for this IDE in 2015.! Yes...this IDE is all users' hope.! All users are waiting for this IDE to mature! Any plan? Thanks.

     PlayBASIC - The Exponential Nature Of To Do Lists (login required)
     As you can see, there's so much on the internal to-do list that priorities / compromises (time/cost) have to be constantly made, beyond that, the determining real factor of most things will be the activity level of the community ! 

     The IDE4 (there have been 3 previous IDE's, but only 2 releases ), project started out as nothing more than a curiosity, where the initial thought was "is it possible to build an PlayBASIC styled edit control in VB6?".  After some initial work, it seem viable but was shelved.   You see IDE discussions tent bring out  IDE developers, and soon after, another 3rd party was offering us a nice new shiny customized IDE.  But all we got was thin air.   Amusingly this same scenario has been repeated multiple times since then. :(   



So you mean that you need to do a lot of things about PlayBASIC and the priority of the IDE is not high. Right?

How about encourage other PlayBASIC users to develop new IDEs? Not only encourage, but also allow them to promote and sell their IDEs in this forum if they finish their IDEs. Then they will have incentives to start developing new IDEs.


  3rd party developers are more than welcome develop & sell alternative IDE's, always have been!

  Everything a person needs to know is this in the PlayBASIC IDE & Compiler Integration Tutorial  from 2008.   


Quote from: kevin on January 16, 2015, 03:35:46 PM

  3rd party developers are more than welcome develop & sell alternative IDE's, always have been!

  Everything a person needs to know is this in the PlayBASIC IDE & Compiler Integration Tutorial  from 2008.   

oh...2008. From 2008 to 2014, no PlayBASIC user developed any IDE?

I discovered another commercial language. Its IDE is not too good and its users are willing to develop new IDEs.!

Perhaps some PlayBASIC users should download the free versions of these IDEs to see how good these IDEs are. These IDEs may inspire these PlayBASIC users to make better IDEs for PlayBASIC.!!