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The Making of : ROM City Rampage

Started by BlinkOk, March 21, 2013, 03:28:53 PM

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Hi All

did not realise it was that easy to program a game back then, on them 8 bit machines ,
must have took ages for such a basic game in todays standards,
loved this very interesting video

mick :D


  The limitations of 8bit 6502 cpu are pretty draconian by today's standards.   Even very basic things that we take for granted like multiplication (and division),  A= B *C, didn't exist, combined that with registers (variables in high level basic speak) being limited to an 8bit numeric range (0 to 255 (2^8)) and what looks trivial, will soon have you scratching your head for days.    There are many solutions, that's where the skill comes in.


When I started programming I was using a c64 with assembler and thinking back to it makes me shudder! It is sooo much easier nowadays especially with such excellent tools as pb.


Yes, indeed! I remember how proud I was, when I let move my first sprite onto screen.
It was a lotto-programm with a moving ballon. And the basic of C64 wasn't really
comfortable. I liked the SinclairBasic of ZX-Spectrum with its graphic commands like
line and circle. What a time when I typed long listings of code from HappyComputer,
a computer magazine, looking for a great game - and nothing happened, because of
mistakes in the listing or typing...
But I loved the spirit of that computer beginning time...
