
Building a 3D Ray Tracer  By stevmjon

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For Foxes Sake WIP

Started by micky4fun, August 19, 2012, 03:54:41 AM

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Hi All

thanks for the ideas bmorris , the just touching the lava idea sounds good to me , will put this into game , i have slowed coins down to half the speed now , yep they did look fast

yes BlinkOk all my games run about half speed under win 8 on my other pc

about half way through the builder level now , here is a short video of a small part of game so far , will get more work into game over weekend
so hopefully soon get complete level done ,

mick :)

EDIT: please use the YOUTUBE tags in future...   


that looks great mick. heaps of stuff going on. i reckon it would take me about a month to beat that level ;-)


Quote from: BlinkOk on March 21, 2013, 09:11:18 PM
wicked idea mr morris. i like it!
if anyone else has win8 could you take a moment to run the demo and see if it is performing poorly for you as well


I have the same slow performance under Win8 Pro 64-bit as well, hence my post above.  It seems Direct Draw is the issue with Windows 8, I saw it somewhere, but been awhile since I read about it. For instance, with Bejeweled 3 on my setup it refuses to 3D accelerate the game.


Quote from: BlinkOk on March 21, 2013, 09:11:18 PMif anyone else has win8 could you take a moment to run the demo and see if it is performing poorly for you as well
FPS = around 02 on my new (bought a few days ago) laptop with Windows 8.

Also on Windows 7 try activating Task Manager and going back to the game and you're in for an unpleasant... black surprise.


thanks guys. clearly this needs looking into


Hi all

seems all my programs run very slow on win 8 , well unplayable , but im not that bothered as i dont really like win 8
but here in the uk all new pc's and laptops come with win 8 now , so anyone buying a new pc/laptop will
have big problems with PB

ok ive been off on holiday for a week , and the level takes a bit longer than i tought to finish , but i have done it now , going to play test
it for any adjustments then post very soon

mick :)


Hi all

well a little longer testing than I thought , but here is the next level of the game , big thanks to BlinkOk first of all for yet more superb gfx's for this level
its a bit tricky this level but I can do it easy enough with 1 life , so lets see what others think as with all other levels can be easy tinkered with
as I doing game I can see theres lots of places I can use less code in , so I will do that once all game is done as I will see full layout by then
scoring still needs to be fully complete in whole game but some is in there as is

once level is complete just press spacebar on that's all fox to go back to level 1

ok onto next level in a day or 2 as other half needs me to do a few bits for her

mick :)


This is looking and playing great!

keep up the good work chaps!


Hello Mick!

Very nice level again!
First it was a bit difficult, but after playing some time
I got a feeling for the moving platforms and then it went
So, I think it is not too difficult. Graphic is great and funny,
too! This will become a round funny game!  :)




superb work mick. really challenging and fun level. i luv the saws moving across.

it would be interesting to see what people think but i thought when you jumped on the saw leaving the blade, if you jumped on it again or touched it, it would reduce your life rather than shooting off.
something to up the difficulty a little. what do you think?

i still have to do a couple enemies for the ice level and a map too.

overall i really think it's coming together. all the pieces are there and they are working and very robust


only had quick look, but it plays pretty good.     


Hi all

thanks for all the comments from everyone , all taken on board
seems to be coming along nicely , code not pretty but just done some tiding up this morning , lots need moving about and some can be reduced
I think I will re-map the map gfx's so they can be interchangeable with any level and will map the ice level into game as well
thinking we now have 4 themes so 2 levels of each will give us 8 levels which could be enough maybe ?

anyway will get as much done asap , just looked been on this 6 months how time flies ,

mick :)

ps looks like I need to get some kind of light snow routine from some ware to put in this level maybe?


4 themes x 2 levels sounds ok.
maybe if we re-post the level editor we could get some of the guys on the board to create some of levels?

ice level is looking great. i have nearly finished the enemies for it

Quoteps looks like I need to get some kind of light snow routine from some ware to put in this level maybe?
there's a thread around here where someone has already done that

Quote6 months
6 months! we gotta shore that up!


Hi all

Quotemaybe if we re-post the level editor we could get some of the guys on the board to create some of levels?
yep can do but its very basic , think might need to had a few options on it later to make it easier to create levels
also as Kevin said a lot earlier in the post , I also need to get into the level editor a way of picking the enemies and placing them into map and exporting their position and movement into the main game
rather than hard coding them in the main game
so think I will get the ice level done asap and then move onto updating or try updating the map editor to do the above
also was thinking of trying another way of detecting when player hits the platforms in the map , but at the moment its working fine the way levels are mapped

lots of things to try and do , but getting there bit by bit

ok will look up forums for snow code

mick :)


I've just been playing the latest file. Not much to say, other than that it was as good as usual. Regarding a level editor, that would definitely be welcome, although I can imagine a lot of work would be necessary in making it. NB, I myself would seriously consider designing a level or two for the final game  :)