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For Foxes Sake WIP

Started by micky4fun, August 19, 2012, 03:54:41 AM

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Hi all

yep thanks all for comments , very welcome , its getting there

Well Level 2 is taking a bit longer than i tought , trying to add a few extra bits while not making it to complicated for me or player , so just a few bits to make it slightly different to level one
here is yet a couple of more videos , level still needs some tweeks and enimies put in and parts need to change when painted but gives a feel of part of level 2

hope to get a full 2 level demo up in next few days

mick :)


looking forward to playing this mick. the vids look great


Hi all

at last got a level 2 demo ready so here it is , code needs a bit of tiding up and still some things still need doing , i will let you suss it out on what to do , but pretty much the same as level one , its very much the same thing , so i might be how to sweeze one more level out with these gfx , to enter name on scoreboard use left right and down keys to enter name

BlinkOk , dont know if the level 2 backgrounds may need a little tweeking in colours or moon/stars maybe
also as all enemy are killerable , wonder if say a hedgehog or something else on grass/platform that cant be killed so you must dodge it
just thinking aloud here !

i will tidy do last few bits to this level just a bit of tidy up then think about level 3 , there may be one or two things i forgot as i have rushed this today to get it up on here

one more thing this is a looping level 2 , so once collected all 100 coins and enter house , after red ring ending just press space to restart

mick :)


man that is hard! i luv it!
backgrounds are cool. nice idea blurring the distant bg.  i though they were a little too saturated but when i play it everything stands out just fine.
i'll have a crack at a hedge hog too


Hi all

BlinkOk ,
Quoteman this is hard
when making the games i play them so much and i find this and level one easy , lol , just that im used to it i suppose
dont want to make it to easy as it will be all over to quick, lots of things can be changed to make easy/harder , bullet fequency speed , how many gamekeepers etc
so plenty of options there ,
i have now linked level one and two together , will now start on level 3 with what i have , i kept the way of getting the brush the same in first 2 levels , might try something different on level 3
see what happens and the end house is in same position in both levels to , will move in 3

the moving objects in game really use the same code , i could use re-arrange the code for moving them so some use less complicated code as they dont require it
anyway i will have a tinker about , i expect to have all completed in a few weeks and will post a video walkthrough as well i think

Quotei'll have a crack at a hedge hog too
i will leave that to you , just a thought really

mick :)


Hello Mick!

Great looking level!
Cool, how the stairs collapse and how platforms tilt!
I am looking forward to play the whole game!  :)



     Plays well, in terms of difficulty it seems fairly balanced to me, only taking a few goes to complete the level.   How many levels is the game going to have ? 


Hi All

thanks Sigtrygg ,
QuoteCool, how the stairs collapse and how platforms tilt
well thanks to BlinkOk for falling platform/stairs gfx's make that easy

QuotePlays well, in terms of difficulty it seems fairly balanced to me, only taking a few goes to complete the level.   How many levels is the game going to have ?  
well i am a bit suprised how well its coming out , as it was only ment to be a muck about trying the maps and camera , and also using a quite large 64x64 tile , thought a 32x32 would be they way to go really , but this seems fine
as for how many more levels , think i will get another out using what i have , it could get a bit all the same kinda thing , maybe how to sqweeze another 3 using secret rooms etc , so 5 in total

BlinkOk , just wondering if you still have any images ghost level at all , i might be how to make another new type of level out of that
i dont want to ad any of my own as it will look well out of place , i did try a wood log , but it was rubbish , lol

ok i will plod along with level 3 now , my mums in hospital at moment so will be spending free time there , but will still get a bit in as i can

mick :D


I've played the level now. It's a triumph! It's very professional, and the difficulty is about right (certainly for me). I read in the earlier comments that all the enemies are killable, but I must confess there were a few I couldn't get at...

A coupla comments/suggestions. Firstly, when the Fox walks, the water speed changes dodgily, so maybe something could be done about that. Secondly, when the Fox is idle, he's totally stationary, and I was thinking there could be a little animation (or a set of them) that occur after, say, every five seconds of idleness. He could waggle his tail, or shake his head, etc.

The filling in of platforms to jump on reminds me of Super Mario World, and the line at the end (the cartoon pun) put a smile on my face  :)


QuoteBlinkOk , just wondering if you still have any images ghost level at all
yeah i still have that one. i'll see if i can generate some tiles/gfx from it


Hi all

well that would be great , give us a chance to do some more levels in the game that wont look so repetative

mick :)


Hi all

Yep sorry thanks bmorris , all points taken on board , yes there are a few gamekeepers that you cant get to in the level , on purpuse
i did think the water motion was pretty crap once moving but will sort this out when all levels are done

just starting to get level 3 together , but been quite a stressfull time at the moment , as mensioned before my mun is in hospital and not in a great way at the moment so most time spent there
but doing as much as i can considering ,

Kevin , wondering what im doing wrong here , im trying to render the game to image 1500 as in edited code below , but i cant seem to get the maps to be displayed no matter how hard i have tried
and i have spent 2 days trying , its proberly so simple i cant see it ? , so if you get a few mins maybe you can have a peep
thought it might give me more options on further levels

mick :)

ps code is edited code and not full game


wondering what im doing wrong here , im trying to render the game to image 1500 as in edited code below , but i cant seem to get the maps to be displayed no matter how hard i have tried
and i have spent 2 days trying , its proberly so simple i cant see it ? , so if you get a few mins maybe you can have a peep
thought it might give me more options on further levels

 If image 1500 is an FX format, then it to stands to reason that the map blocks should be FX also, but there not.   See MakeMapGFX

  There's  tutorials on such subjects over  in the Economizing Image Blitting thread.


Hi all

QuoteIf image 1500 is an FX format, then it to stands to reason that the map blocks should be FX also, but there not
Thanks Kevin , nope went staright pass that , did not notice , i was concertrating on the other commands , thinking they must be some how in the wrong order

mick :)