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For Foxes Sake WIP

Started by micky4fun, August 19, 2012, 03:54:41 AM

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Quotei hope you have not been cheating
waaaaaaa! me.... cheating! ;-)

Quote10 and 50 point scoring gfx when you paint a platform you get 10 points and 50 for platform with fence , dont know wether to do say 100 and 200 for killing enimies as well , what do you think
yes definitely. the more variation in scoring the better


Hi all

QuoteJust been playing this. Great retro fun! Keep up the good work!
Thanks baggey , having fun programming this one , keep up the good work on the speccy emulator , looking forward playing some good old games on this

Ok BlinkOk will go ahead with more scoring options and gfx's , think this is what we are looking for for ending thanks to Kevin , think we need some ending wording , like" thats all foxy"
or something like that and level complete or something , in some kinda font , you know more about that than me

anyway trying to program in the dark aint easy , as i forgot the treats for the kids this year , trying to pretent im out .

mick :)


Quotethink we need some ending wording , like" thats all foxy"
haha. awesome. will do

done. if you need it bigger or bent the other way then let me know


Hi all

yep seems fine,
think will get door to close after fox enters house,

mick :)


looks good mick. i think i might do some numbers for the pop-up scoring.
just to make it consistent with the hud. if that's ok?


Hi all

yep thats fine BlinkOk

mick :)


Hi all

well been trying a few things within the game , i tried the downward jump , but it was a bit yes and no , i seem to make quite a few mistakes and ended jumping off lower playform into water without really meaning to do it , just seemed more natural to fall down off higher platform ,

BlinkOk , i have done all the scoring gfx's but as you say would be nice to have numbers in consistent with rest of hud , so i will replace mine with new ones once done , just adding some sounds now
think we will have to have a high score table once finished , say top 5 scores , will muck about with that and ending and restarting game once dead , give me a few days and ile post what i have done

mick :)


Hi all

well been 2 days on just trying different name entry for hi-score table , well 2 days of spare time that is ,
anyway did not know which way to go , do a static name entry like Sigtrygg HellEagle game , or a moving one , wonder what you think we should do here ?

i have come up with quite a few ideas for a moving one , but the one that seemed to work best was the 360% one as shown
it is in demo , just get killed 3 times to get on screen , nothing works yet , jump up on END when at top of screen to play again
thought this might fir in as a water mill or something like that , the fox is on the spindle and when he walks it turns the wheel , i have not used rotate sprite on spindle yet so just imagine it , lol
could be a complete wheel with buckets on with letters in them can se smaller if required , just some idea here BlinkOk maybe could draw something better or other idea or just static screen for input ??

if you play till end of game no need to collect coins it will show ending of level , think might need a " level complete " in same writting as "thats all fox"
once complete game is now ready to load next level , at the moment just press spacebar when thats all fox comes up to replay level again

mick :)


looks good mick. it this like a mini level. looks good anyway.
i may not be able to work on this for a little bit but i'll make sure i keep an eye on things

ok i just got it. it's for entering a name


Hello Mick!

The circle-input looks much more nicer than static input!
It's great as you have done it! I think you should take it.




Hi all

ok blinkOk no worries will plod along , will get a few more levels into game
thanks Sigtrygg , yep i will try and go with a wheel type input for hi-score , may just keep it simple as the gfx i do might be out of place
anyway see how it goes , will post when this is done and a new level is added so maybe a week or two down the line
but sure to continue tapping away at this

mick :)

ps i have gone with this i think



it looks very cool mick. well done mate!


Nice little touch! with the high score "ring piece" thingy  ;D

Oh, Im Liking the "Top of the fox" idea as well!

Keep tho's finger's, a typing!  ;)


Jesus was only famous because of his dad


Hi all

yep thanks , BlinkOk i have changed the font for score so it matches hi-score screen as well , and so it can be seen in the night level as well
hope you dont mind ,

thanks baggey and ATLUS as well , its coming alone slowly , dont wont to sound like a broken record but still having to look after mum quite a bit
anyway still geting a bit in here and there

well this is the name extry screen and hi-score display , i have used a cut down and modifyed version of Sigtrygg hi-score table , so thanks to Sigtrygg for posting that.

ok on with level 2 now
mick :)