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For Foxes Sake WIP

Started by micky4fun, August 19, 2012, 03:54:41 AM

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Hi all

Thanks BlinkOk , yep they are fine , in game now , im still getting stuck in as much as possible with all happening at mo , well got gamekeepers firing bullets in at last as well as otherstuff , should not be to long till this level is complete , then just some testing and sounds to add , will post to you first BlinkOk for any other comments or gfx's changes , looking forward to the spooky level

Thanks ATLUS and monkeybot , its not exactly as i want it but this was only going to be a test for using maps and cameras , so to get this far aint bad and your comments are welcome

well back to game for a little longer

mick :)


Hi all

well BlinkOk , here is a outline for the complete level one , just the house missing at end , ran out of time today and some values need a little tiding up , but think you get the gist
also have not tried the jump down thing yet , but all in good time ,

ok you need 99 coind to open chest with key in at end near bridge with blocks missing and there is only 99 coins , you need to paint 99 or more fences , not platforms ,, there is more than 99 fences as well but even more platforms thats why i did it this way , once you get coins and big key , you will lose paintbrush as you have key now , this is to open very last chest/button or house door

dont think you will do it first go , you got 3 lives then ends , so need to re-run at the moment as i aint done ending and resets yet

good luck
mick :)


lookin good mick.
got past the falling platform after about 10 tries. i think we might need something to indicate a crashing/falling platform.
i think i might re-do that little fish. it doesn't really fit in with the other stuff now
i lose three lives and then it goes to a pattern with three chests in it and locks up. looks like a mini level to me. i figured you were still working on that bit.
this is just my opinion but i think if you make the coins trigger stuff to get to the end of the level and just make the paint add to a high score then it's easier to understand.
the incentive to paint stuff is that the player can end up in the high score table.
all in all this is really starting to provide a really fun challenge. very nice work mate.


Hi all

Quotethis is just my opinion but i think if you make the coins trigger stuff to get to the end of the level and just make the paint add to a high score then it's easier to understand.
ok no worries i will move a few things about ,
Quotei lose three lives and then it goes to a pattern with three chests in it and locks up. looks like a mini level to me. i figured you were still working on that bit
yep thats your 3 lives , its says end , but only a quick ending and it will lock up as i aint reset any values for a restart yet
so you need to re-run program
ok i will work on a few bits and bobs
mick :)


   The latest demo is really good, it's nice to see some new bits appearing.  Getting worried about how much of this your hard coding in the program though.  Beyond just the object creation stuff, there's code that's changing specific blocks in the map.   One alternative would be to implement an object type with change list mechanic.   So for things that trigger actions in the map, like changing a switch or open doors or whatever..  There's a trigger object with some type of the action tag in it.  If the trigger action is the 'change blocks', then it the AI calls a routine to poke a list of blocks into place.   The user would define the list of the blocks and position the triggers in the editor.    Same goes for the players starting position, end of level positions etc etc etc.     Externally defining this stuff means that you can tweak the game without having to alter the code and even while it's running.  Speed up development time dramatically.


pipe and spikes

tip: load up source code and change lives=3 to lives=20. hahahahaha


Hi all

thanks for spikes BlinkOk , i will use them in another level of the garden part as with the tunnel bit , could do a mario bonus single screen level thing there ,
i have now re-arranged the game a little ,
when you die you keep the coins and paint brush you have already got , as re-doing that again could be a bit boring and also would av to start miles away if right up other end of game
altered ending bit a little , made it so when it you dont lose so much of a life , but can change this back again ,
what i need to do now is
scoring , sound , ending of level one , reseting all values when 3 lives are up or to start next level , some moving platform when you av brush do not get painted so will av to work that one out as they are wide sprites and a few other little bits ,
but here is mainly level one complete

QuoteGetting worried about how much of this your hard coding in the program though
yep theres lots im affraid , but im hoping i will get away as this wont be a large level game , i will try to address this if needbe or on my next platform game , will try and do more work with the editor , but time at the moment is very limited and i maynot have the skill to do it either , lets see what happens , but thanks for all the help and input so far it has helped bundles  :)

anyway heres level one ver nearly complete now
mick :)


In Windows 8, this game run very slow :-(


Hi all

QuoteIn Windows 8, this game run very slow :-(

erm , i was tempted to update one of my pc's today to windows 8 , so thanks for the heads up , might not bother now

mick :)


Hi Micky4fun, you are welcome =)


this is epic mick. great work! still haven't gotten to the end :-D


Hi all

Quotethis is epic mick. great work! still haven't gotten to the end :-D
yep not to bad blinkOk , did not want to go to far on a level as thought it might be to much and as there will be other levels same kinda size , but can do mini level screen in some other levels
still having lots of problems at work as PM so time is kinda tight right now , but getting on with much as possible , just may change sinking grass platforms a bit as would like them to have paint on them as with normal moving platforms , but should get this level wrapped up very soon

ps i getting to use to it do it in one life every time , lol
pss shame win 8 runs slow though

mick :)


Hi Mick,

Just been playing this. Great retro fun! Keep up the good work!  ;D

Jesus was only famous because of his dad


made it!
i reckon the loony tunes circle in/out would be a good ending animation


Hi all

Quotemade it!
i reckon the loony tunes circle in/out would be a good ending animation
yep BlinkOk you did well and with 5 lives left out of the 3 you get , lol
i hope you have not been cheating
the loony tunes ending would look great i think as well , i had a go at it but im pretty crap of sorting any code that works , my efforts slow and not right
my code lines 388 to 400 and using the last function in program does not work as we need it to , just get to house with or without coins and you will see it working , well sort of

i have now made my life and programming a bit easier for painting the moving grass platforms by making them a smaller , so a few little changes , the fish that did not look right i have removed ,
done a 10 and 50 point scoring gfx when you paint a platform you get 10 points and 50 for platform with fence , dont know wether to do say 100 and 200 for killing enimies as well , what do you think
