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For Foxes Sake WIP

Started by micky4fun, August 19, 2012, 03:54:41 AM

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hey blinkok
your graphics look great. you are very good at graphic design and layout. did you learn through observation or from books?

hey micky4fun
you are growing your code and learning quite well. this is becoming a fun game.

It's easy to start a program, but harder to finish it...

I think that means i am getting old and get side tracked too easy.


Quoteyour graphics look great. you are very good at graphic design and layout. did you learn through observation or from books?
just observation and a lot of help from some very clever people out there on the interwebs (one in particular)


ok i had a little brain fart on the game play side of things.
let me be clear up front; please don't think you have to incorporate this! it is just a suggestion
this is what i'm thinking;
the dude does 3 things (all the while avoiding enemies);
1. get the paintbrush and paint stuff (thereby getting points)
2. collect coins (thereby opening the chest that reveals a key to exit the level)
3. collect the key and exits
if he gets hit by an enemy he loses his brush

when he paints...HE PAINTS EVERYTHING!!

Animation (Click "Play flash full screen" to see more detail)

i'm thinking the changes would be;
1. Add particle effect while foxy walks (this is very easy, no more difficult than your floating stars)
2. When paint touches platforms and objects their image changes to the "painted" state and points are added (one point for just a platform)
3. gui changes to be "Life", "Coins" and "Points" (Paint brush rather than fence)
4. this way we can avoid the watering can

Again this is just a suggestion. no biggie if you think it's too much trouble to implement (I know the enthusiasm wains as these projects progress).


Hi all

yep BlinkOk that all seems fine to me , just hope i can do it all , think most of it is straight forward ,
yep getting rid of watering can seems a good idea , gui was going to get messy with fence , flower etc ,
so whats happing is the level we have already staying but in new form or are we going with new design ?

did not get much time today as been nursing my mum over the last few days , she has a bad leg infection ,

but did get around to doing a few floating platforms that sink if you stay on them to long

anyway , let me know how and what level we are staring on etc

mick :)


sorry to hear about you mum mate. hope she gets well soon.

Quoteso whats happing is the level we have already staying but in new form or are we going with new design ?
i'll make the changes for the "sunny" level too. so tiles there will have a "painted" state too

Quotebut did get around to doing a few floating platforms that sink if you stay on them to long
did you see the crumbling platform i did earlier? that might look cool there

Quotejust hope i can do it all
you'll be fine. if you have any probs just ask


Hi all

yep thanks blinkOk,

ok i will just tinker around till new gfx's for level one , yep grabbed falling platform , will use them someware in first level

mick :)


graphics. i put most of it in the tiles image (300.png). you might have to copy/paste a bit but i thought that would be the easiest way. let me know if it's not
i hadda redo the trees so i included unpainted tree images in the directory as well.
i think there's a few block images there too
and the paint brush in the hud.
oh and the "play" wording on the play button is a little smaller.

did you wanna use the jump and fall images for the fox?

anyway. let me know if i missed something or you need anything else


You are welcome micky4fun =)

How about jump down, like that jump + down and our fox jumping into down platform?


Congratulation for your good team-work!!!
Very impressive graphics and very nice ideas!




Hi all

QuoteHow about jump down, like that jump + down and our fox jumping into down platform?
yep i see how this plays and works , thanks for idea on that ATLUS also thanks for youtube upload  :)

Thanks Sigtrygg , yep its a no rush job so dont mind going back and forth , BlinkOk is coming up with the goods here thats for sure

well used Kevins camera idea , looks better for that , spent a few hours today re-mapping map gfx image and matching up non painted and painted grass as rocks where a little over on painted image
no worries just a few cut and paste's ,

BlinkOk what i did as you can see is added a shadow to non painted fence and painted fence at bottom and move fox up 2 pixels as he did not look like he was walking past fence when they were painted
he looked to walk over them , think you know what i mean

so scoring is points for fence , platform painted , and coins , must collect 100 to get key , but dont have to get all the fences or platforms to continue , its just the coins that are important ?
ok heres a quick demo on what i did today just to see if it looks ok , or if you want to change what i did to fence , still no paint spraying from brush will do that tomorrow and only some of the platforms chance at mo , you have to get brush as usual first , i have not fully tested this yet so could be a bit buggy

mick :)


 The new version is good,  the painting mechanic works well,  reminds me some Disney game.     Like the floating platform also, such  touches definitely make it more rewarding for the player.  

You could clean up the media loading somewhat by making a little function that loads the 'left' frames and then creates the Right facing frames during loading.  Which helps in number of ways,  like less image data for you to man handle (ie, you don't have to make the rotated versions) and potentially quicker to load.   Since the second frame doesn't have to fetched & decompressed from disc.    

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
       ; to load fox becomes 
LoadCharacterAnim("gfx/fox/f0001.png",9,100,150 )

Psub LoadCharacterAnim(BaseFile$,Frames,IMageStart,RotatedIMageStart, Format=2 )
For lp =1 to frames


; load in whatever format
LoadImage Filename$, ImageStart+lp, Format

; Copy this image to the rotated image slot
CopyImage ImageStart+lp,RotatedImageStart+lp

; flip the pixel data on the X axis to make the rotated image
MirrorImage RotatedImageStart+lp,1,0

#print filename$


man this is the bomb mate! the sinking platform at the end scared the sh!te outta me.
it is really starting to prove a challenge too. all round great work mick!
QuoteBlinkOk what i did as you can see is added a shadow to non painted fence and painted fence at bottom and move fox up 2 pixels as he did not look like he was walking past fence when they were painted
he looked to walk over them , think you know what i mean
brilliant! looks 1000% better


to micky4fun

i love the behaviour of the dog. made me laugh. now the characters are getting smarter. looks cool.

It's easy to start a program, but harder to finish it...

I think that means i am getting old and get side tracked too easy.


Hi all

Thanks Stevmjon , probably a better way of doing it , but this seems to work ,

its getting there BlinkOk , well you would not believe it i spent all day just doing the paint splash thing , tried about 5 different ways and settings but this one seemed to be the best i could come up with , dont think its as pretty looking as yours , but seems ok what do you think ?

you can paint everything apart from moving platforms and a odd tree that i know about its on different level thats why ,,

will now get on with doing this level completely , so it does not matter how many less or more fences there are , just scoring for platform painted and extra for fence , just the coins are main part
will also look into ATLUS idea of down jump as well , i still have gamekeeper to muck around with , i have kept the jump and landing frames out so far as they did not look quite right , seemed to flow better as is , but on back burner , got crumbling platform to muck about with as well , so plenty to keep me going ,
just need idea for house level at end , a key to get in / unlock door etc , maybe start at bottom and work to while avoiding things , like donkey kong ? maybe ,
or could keep house level for next level as its a haunted level , and just do a platform thing  for this level , key for box at top ?

mick :)


  The painting looks pretty good.   If you're going to recycle lots of sprites, then i'd be tempted to recycle them rather than create/delete them constantly.  Anyway, noticed a logic error in the main loop with the particles.   The particles being the stars and circles things, where they don't seem to be posited before they're drawn the first frame.   So if you move fox to to top left hand corner of the world and walk you can see the particles being drawn for a frame up in the left hand corner. 

  Easy fix,  just grab the Stars and circles for each loops,wack them in a function at the bottom, then make sure you call the function before the DrawAllSprites in the main loop..

  Excerpt from main loop.

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]

DrawMap MyMap,front,0,0; front
CaptureDepth 20
UpdateMapAnims MyMap

Drawimage ffs,97,177,0
DrawMap MyMap,trees,0,0; trees etc
DrawMap MyMap,fences,0,0; fences etc
DrawMap MyMap,platforms,0,0; main level
DrawMap MyMap,mud,0,0; mud etc

  Render Particles Function

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
Function Render_Particles()    
for each stars()
if stars.count#>0
positionsprite stars.sprite,stars.x#,stars.y#
deletesprite stars.sprite
stars = null

for each cir()
if cir.y#<cir.count#
positionsprite cir.sprite,cir.x#,cir.y#
deletesprite cir.sprite
cir = null


    You can short cut some typing by using the += and -= operators.


PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
Function Render_Particles()    
for each stars()
if stars.count#>0
stars.y# -=stars.speed#
stars.count# -=stars.speed#
positionsprite stars.sprite,stars.x#,stars.y#
deletesprite stars.sprite
stars = null

for each cir()
if cir.y#<cir.count#
cir.yspeed# -=0.1
positionsprite cir.sprite,cir.x#,cir.y#
deletesprite cir.sprite
cir = null


    Also, swap the LoadCharacterAnim with this version, the existing version is passing in a Frames Variable, but the For/NExt Loop is hard coded to run from 1 to 9,, it Should be from 1 to Frames

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
Psub LoadCharacterAnim(BaseFile$,Frames,IMageStart,RotatedIMageStart, Format=2 )
For lp =1 to frames
LoadImage Filename$, ImageStart+lp, Format
CopyImage ImageStart+lp,RotatedImageStart+lp
MirrorImage RotatedImageStart+lp,1,0