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My second game: Hell Eagle

Started by Sigtrygg, July 05, 2012, 01:54:17 PM

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did some more on the gfx and animnation. i tried to upload it to swfcabin but it display's it really tiny.
i guess i'll have to add guns to the taxi withh all these obstacles. (right click/view to see it full size)

i thought you could pick up the chicks and that little colour balloon would follow the taxi so you
know how many you are carrying and where you have to go to drop them off.

found somewhere to host it; (click on "play flash full screen" down the bottom right)

you can drive the car with the arrow keys


Hi all

yep BlinkOk , looks and plays superb , very nice indeed

mick :)


Hello BlinkOK!

Your idea and your graphics are very funny and I would like to integrate it into Hell Eagle.
Isn't it possible to replace men-animation with the chicks and eagle with the taxi and
the backdrop too? Can't you save it as an bitmap or png? I would to renounce of animted
In my game the world consist of a png-file with 4096x3072 pixels, the men-animation
consist of 4 positions. The canons are spites and have to position into the world and
the landingplatforms are just rectangles and touching the platform is detected by
So I just need a graphic as world, where you can fly through (the platforms may painted
direct into picture), a picture of taxi, an animation-Pic with the moving-positions like the
men-animation, a picture of the canons and their bullets and I would try to implement
the graphics in the game. If this work we can implement some elements like fueling furher.
How do you think about it?
Maybe there come more ideas from the comunity...



Sigtrygg dude. I don't think it's a matter of just putting the graphics into the game and it's done.
to start with the controls for the taxi are different.
you will also want to add parallax (believe me you will love the effect)
there is also the matter of picking up and dropping off the chicks.
the cannon and all the other animations will add to the experience
i know it will be a bit of work but there is no deadline so you can take as long as you want
and i'm sure everyone here will help with any problems you may run into.
in the end i think you will have a very nice, polished game that is a showcase
of your programming skills.


Hi all

Quotein the end i think you will have a very nice, polished game that is a showcase
i very much think so to

mick :)


Hello Community!

Thank you BlinkOk and Micky4fun for replies.
I think I have to learn a lot more than I know.
I don't know what parallax means and I think
I have to get closer with maps. I couldn't make a
level editor like Mick. So I think I have to get
a lot of input.
At the moment I work at a programm that give
out all combinations of letters in a word (Anagram)
I will publish it when I am ready.
Until then!  :)



Hi all

Hi Sigtrygg

Thats a shame , your game is a nice addictive and must have another go game , no many of those around i know ,
always come back to it when you learn a little more ,but i dont think you are far away thats for sure
but its nice just to go at you own pace , i hope you get as much frustration , sorry fun as i do out of programming
parallex means , you have a layer on images , from front to back and they move at differant speed to each other to give depth to game
demo video here

this has about 5 layers , but you would proberly only need 2 , forground and background
anyway good luck with all your projects and dont think it will take you long to suss this game out

mick :)



  The parallax thing is as Mick suggests,  just drawing multi layers of the scene.  There's a number of methods, none of which are terribly complicated.  The concept is to give the 2d scene the appearance of depth.     For side scrolling games, we often have the 'game play' layer and a distant backdrop layer, like a mountain range, star field or something.    Assuming we're using a camera to view the game play layer, which is moving at 3->5 pixels left or right as the player moves left/right (Shadow of the beast style),  then our far off in the distance mountain range position is calculated as say a 10% of the players position.   Since the backdrops are generally tiled, we're just wrapping it to the cameras viewport.

   There's a number of threads on the subject spread across the forums.   One of the oldest that comes to mind, would be Xenon and Missile Attack demos, which are  the first or second real game demos written in PlayBASIC back in 2003.. Yep.  more useless trivia! :)

     (these are in on particular order)

   * Parallax Mountain Range In Triangles
   * Perspective Parallax (clever coders challenge #18)
   * Tree Parallax
   * 8 Way Layered Star Field / Asteroids Style
   * Shadow Of The Beast demo
   * Thesius XIII - Forest Blast Tech
   * Xenon PlayBASIC Tech Demo
   * 2D Platformer Revisited - Parallax Version
   * Missile Attack
   * Missile Attack Update



Hello Mick4fun and Kevin!

Thank you Mick for explanation what parallax means.
Now I know it!  :)
Indeed games look much more living with using parallaxing.
Thank you Kevin for your help and the links. I will have a
look on them!
It's great that I am not alone with PlayBasic!  ;)

I have made an anagram-program which uses a database
of permutations. I took each letter in the word and assigned
it with one specific number in permutation-order.
It is possible to get out the words to a text-file.
It is not very exiting and you can find better anagram-programs
in internet, but maybe the source code is interesting for beginners.





 Thanks for posting your new code, but it'd probably be of more use to people, if you just made a new thread for it and posted it over in the Source Code forum.   After all, that's what it's there for.


Hello all!

At the moment I create two new levels for HellEagle and I used some ideas
from Kevins great HellEagle-MockUp. Espacially controlling the men was solved
very comfortably by Kevin. It saves a lot of code and made it easier to create
new men in new levels. I didn't take over everything from the mock-up. I saved
the coordinates of men, canons and platfomrs into a database instead of a text-file.
Of course it isn't as comfortable and extensive as in the mock-up, but it is now much
easier and faster to create new levels.
In that version I will publish HellEagle works still with worldmap as a sprite, but I try to
publish another version using maps and map-collision. I am courious if there will
be a gain in speed.
Until soon! Have a nice week!



  it'll run much faster as map.   The original game was running around 70-80 fps on my system, compared to 190-200 fps in the mock up.


Hello Community!

Here is HellEagle Version 1.5 !!  :)
I have created it in two versions.
In the first version the world consist of a sprite and
the collisions are sprite collisions. I made exe with
PlayBasic N2.
In the second version the gameworld is a map and
I used the new collision functions between map and
I couldn't make an exe, because I used PlayBasic
Version N2 beta#3b for the map-version and the exe
didn't work. But you can get the source code.
Please tell me, which version runs faster/better than
the other and if you find any bugs in the game.
I didn't remark any differences in speed and scrolling
between the two versions. Both versions run with
120 fps.
I am looking forward for your remarks.

Special thanks to Kevin for his great mockup. It was/is very
helpful and I overtook some functions for my game,
e.g. handling collecting the men


SpriteVersion :



Hi all

Nice work Sigtrygg , good level design and addictive play , well think i will chill out playing this for the rest of the night

mick :)