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Pooyan complete game

Started by micky4fun, July 09, 2011, 07:24:24 PM

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hi all

QuoteIt's a server side programming language, it's no harder than PB.. just bigger.   Send us an email and it'll send you some script to try out.
ok will do , just get this finished , thanks

yep thanks for the link Big C.
i did try them , but they made game look very 8 bit , but thanks for going to the trouble

ok here is where i am at the moment , still loads to do , just re run the program once all 30 foxes have dropped , timings in all departments still need sorting out as well as x and y speeds on foxes food etc

mick :)

latest download on lower post


haha. lookin good mick! mouse control is a good idea



  you don't need the left right sets of frames,  just scale the sprite negatively.  

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
   path$="Enter the Location of the pooyanv4 walking frames Here"

Dim WalkAnim(9)
For lp=1 to 9
rendertoimage img
imagemaskcolour img,point(0,0)

Setfps 60

SpriteDrawMode Spr,2
AutoCenterspritehandle Spr,true


cls 0


ShadeBox 0,300,800,600,g1,g1,g2,g2

; move his
movespritex spr,Direction#

; check if it's beyond the 300 limit
if GetSpriteX(Spr)>300
; if so, reflext this image and change direction
positionspritex spr,300
ScaleSpriteX spr,-1

; if check it;s bellow the 100 limit
if GetSpriteX(Spr)<100
; if so, reflext this image and change direction
positionspritex spr,100
ScaleSpriteX spr,1

spriteimage spr,WalkAnim(floor(CurrentFrame#))

// bump the animation frame
if floor(CurrentFrame#)>GetArrayElements(WalkAnim())

// draw the dude



hey mick, are you going to do both modes or just the first one?


Hi all

yep thanks for the info and code Kevin , i will study this later , i have been playing with my tablet the last 2 days , trying to get it to go faster , its not great but ok , i will post a PlayBasic game running on it in a few days time on forum

ok now im back on this game , did a few hours today and level one or first part of game is not far from done
as you can see i have got foxes to climb ladder anb breath fire once landed

Quotehey mick, are you going to do both modes or just the first one?
yep blinkok will do both and even try a 3rd different one if i can ,

here it its at the mo , yep another youtube video

i am not playing the game , just letting run , even though pig gets killed early , this is just to show foxes climbing ladder and fire

mick :)



 The video is showing some real quality programming,  there's some nice stuff  happening with collisions and foreground/background stuff seems to be well thought out.. and the flames are nice touch...  :)    


this is comming along cool. i also like the flames, and the rocks movement and bounce.

i also like the wolf graphics blinkok did.

keep up the good work guys.

It's easy to start a program, but harder to finish it...

I think that means i am getting old and get side tracked too easy.


hi all

yep thanks guys , is coming along slowly , the fire breathing dont really go hand in hand with foxes/wolves , more like dragons , it was going to be them puffing , wind blowing , but then again dont see many foxes floating about with balloons so i thought fire would be ok

Quotei also like the wolf graphics blinkok did
yep they are cool are sharp , the other fox and background images im using are a bit washed out , hopefully can get them better , but for the time being will continue with the rest of game
get all first stage done fully.

QuoteThe video is showing some real quality programming,  there's some nice stuff  happening with collisions and foreground/background stuff seems to be well thought out
yep its not turning out to bad and fairly easy to do , but i dare say there will be a faster way of doing it than the way i have coded.

ok its back to coding..

mick :)


hey mick,
i was just waddling around the blog services. i think you could easily support your needs with a blog and save your games on dropbox or the google cloud. free simple and easy.
here are some tumbler themes. if you would like me to to a title image or some gfx just give me a shout.


hi all

Quotei was just waddling around the blog services. i think you could easily support your needs with a blog and save your games on dropbox or the google cloud. free simple and easy.
here are some tumbler themes. if you would like me to to a title image or some gfx just give me a shout.
ok thanks BlinkOk , i will look into the tumbler themes as soon as i finish this game and may take up your offer , thanks :)

been really busy at work the last few days , its taken up all my time , but did do some code tiding up to make it easier for myself to follow and drop things in , as it soon becomes a jumble
just trying to get stage 1 and stage 2 to link up , so will post with something new soon , but game is very much on to be a finished game

mick :)


This is going to be one of those "just one more go" games. Looking forward to more of Pooyan.

You've made a lot of good games nice work


amazon aws free usage (file server)


Hi all

Ok thanks BlinkOk , will look into these , just so much to do and not enough hours in the day , lol

ok heres a playable stage one of game , still needs a little code tiding up , a few loose ends , will continue this today

the red balloons will come in on after level one , they need 2 hits , and game will start slowly , but heres a lively level

have been tickering around with different ways to clear foxes and balloons once you are dead and came up with this netting wipe , also was going to have a paddling pool for pig to fall in when dead , but did not look right , will have bonus items falling from tree to up you bow , so it could fire 2 or 3 arrows at once like r-type

heres a video of stage 2 , not playable in download demo ,

mick :)

latest demo on later post


nice one. gameplay can get quite hectic!


Well done! I had a fun morning with this :)

Everything worked fine except once when I was done with all the wolves and one of those red thingies hit the pig and the pig fell down, the level starts again but the pig stays airborne. You can still move the shooter pig, but there's that dead one in the air too.
I don't know if you're aware of this. I had a screenshot but I lost it :S

Also, have you tried adding growing (and/or darkening) shadows under the wolves when they descend?
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project