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problem with getNormal

Started by monkeybot, July 01, 2011, 02:48:53 PM

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um.. good.. but  it'd be more useful to leave the question and answer.. so somebody who's having the same drama can see it.


Quote from: monkeybot on July 01, 2011, 02:48:53 PM
no prob sussed it
right ok.

i was running the getnormal# example and couldn't see the blue line.

i thought the normal was at 90 degs from the surface(perpendicular)


Nope definitely cant work it out,

in the example the normal doesn't seem  to return anything.Whats going on??
i added this..
print ix#
print x2#
in the detection loop,when an intersect occurs  the values are the same i therefore deduce that the normal is always returning 0?


erml, now what was the question ? 


why does GetNormalX# return 0?


can i buy a vowel ??   

Quotei added this..
print ix#
print x2#

you added that to what ?????


in the detection loop, before the endif

; Calculate position of main circle
  HCentre = GetScreenWidth() / 2
  VCentre = GetScreenHeight() / 2
; Begin program main repeat/until loop
     Cls rgb(0,0,0)
   ; Draw a circle
     Circle HCentre, VCentre, 40, 0
   ; Draw a line from 0,0 to Mouse position
     Line 20, 20, mx#,my#
   ; Check for Intersection
     If LineIntersectCircle(20 , 20, mx#, my#, HCentre, VCentre, 40,1)
        Print "Line Intersected Circle"
      ; draw a read circle to show the intersection point
        CircleC ix#,iy#,5,1,rgb(255,0,0)
      ; Project a ray in the intersection points normal
        LineC ix#,iy#,x2#,y2#,rgb(0,0,255)
       print ix#
       print x2#
  Until esckey()


 You're not getting the normal, because the intersection function in the example isn't told to return one.  It's only being told to return to the first point of intersection   is bit #0.  The normal for the first intersection point is bit #2

To return both we add bit 0 and bit 2 together.  

 If LineIntersectCircle(20 , 20, mx#, my#, HCentre, VCentre, 40,1+4)

The second intersection point (if one exists) is controlled by bits 1+3

So to return both points and normals

 If LineIntersectCircle(20 , 20, mx#, my#, HCentre, VCentre, 40,1+2+4+8)

To calc both points and no normals

 If LineIntersectCircle(20 , 20, mx#, my#, HCentre, VCentre, 40,1+2)

This is a pretty old change (Line Intersect Circle (Ray intersection) ), but unfortunately doesn't appear to be in the doc's


ahh it all makes sense now.cheers