
Building a 3D Ray Tracer  By stevmjon

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My first adventure game: Escape from Millmier

Started by Laskiapina, January 23, 2011, 07:57:42 AM

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This is a short adventure game made to fit the style of the 1980's adventure games like Leisure Suit Larry 1 and the first King's Quests.
The whole point in this game is to find a way out of this place called Millmier. Move the character with cursor keys and write commands to it like "open door" and press Enter.

Escape from Millmier is my first project that doesn't use SETFPS at all so I would like to hear what speed did the game run at.



Edit: Attached screen shot for IDE news feed.

Added walkthrough:
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project


i'm terrible at these games! it plays very smooth (even at full screen). the phrase recognition is very good too. nice work


i am crap at these games also ,always was and always will be.

parser seems to be good and overall seems to be a nice little game,and that grumpy gamer article was interesting too.
You will have to give us some clues...i am stuck!


Can't get past the open instruction screens to play it, seems to be  flooding the system.  I suspect the input the loop(s) aren't given enough time back to windows.     


BlinkOk: Thanks! It's nice to hear that it's not too fast or anything. And as for adventure games, practice makes perfect ;)

monkeybot: Thank you too! I thought I'd have to disassemble the user's commands and build the parser understand them, but then I found INSTRING() command, which seemed to work nicely for parser.

kevin: I don't think I understand what you're saying. The box that's showing all those texts is a PSUB with a variable teksti$. It copies the screen, writes the text character by character to the screen. Then it goes around the REPEAT... UNTIL ENTERKEY() = 1 or SPACEKEY() = 1 or ESCKEY() = 1 with a SYNC inside (for some reason) And then it draws the screen again and returns(ends). I didn't use LOCKBUFFER at all, mostly because it broke the graphics. What could be the problem?

Oops sorry I forgot: monkeybot: Where are you stuck?
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project


At first I planned on making save and load options to the game, but I abandoned them because the game turned out so short.
But when I was making them I encountered problems with PBDIALOG. The SaveDialog works okay but the LoadDialog crashes the program. The same happened when I tried PlayPackager.
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project


If you sit in loop like this,

   until enterkey()

  Then you're not giving any time back to windows. So the process will consume every bit of cpu time available, which is what happens. 

  Use Wait to release the process and give time back to the system.


Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project


 a text autocomplete function would be nice ,with discovered terms displayed only,so as not to give away clues.


 The opening sequence works much better, but the input system has some case sensitivity issues though.   


monkeybot: You can write a command "look" and the game tells you what the protagonist sees in the room. It should help.

kevin: Could you give me an example? The game uses KEYSTATE() to get information from the keyboard.
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project



Quote from: kevin on January 25, 2011, 05:55:26 AM
Press the 'caps lock' and type "help"

Works just fine at this end. Does anyone(everyone) else have this problem?
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project



can you provide a walkthrough?
i can't get anywhere!