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Holly _ Platformer Adventure Demo

Started by stevmjon, August 08, 2009, 09:58:56 AM

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thanks mick

the new version has been in the making over a year now.

hopefully, this version runs without any bugs (eg. the old game used to freeze).
you should now be able to jump off any ledge without falling off the world. i now have gates in place or tiles to prevent this.

i am going to add 45 deg tiles to walk up/down to access more areas as well. i just need to tear myself away from playing oblivion IV. great game. recently installed it, but can't stop playing it.

It's easy to start a program, but harder to finish it...

I think that means i am getting old and get side tracked too easy.


I thought of commenting this at last.

This has a good feeling to it. It's nice and peaceful and can easily become a good platformer when it's done :)
Only one thing... Isn't the sign that says "More comming soon..." supposed to say "coming"?
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project


Still looking good, keep it up. Just don't "feature overload" yourself and you'll be fine.


thanks for your comments. i am glad the game is liked. keeps me motivated.

i recently installed window 7, and i noticed in my game that the text on screen (titlebar & test text(F5)) is slightly messed up, compared to when the game ran in windows XP. it is not as clear to view. otherwise, it seems to run fine.

i will keep growing the game, and update as often as i can.

It's easy to start a program, but harder to finish it...

I think that means i am getting old and get side tracked too easy.


Your graphics are very very good . The game is also very impressive .
Keep going and thank you very much for your work.
;D ;D


thanks. i need to keep going. i haven't done much programming in the last 3 months.

thank god i have a 3D program for the graphics! all i do is model the ground tiles, trees, characters etc then surface them. the program does all the lighting and shading calculations, making it look nice.

i am actually thinking about starting this code from scratch again. my current code still has a lot of my 'old habits' still in it (too many gosubs). functions & types are the way to go.

It's easy to start a program, but harder to finish it...

I think that means i am getting old and get side tracked too easy.


i checked this very early on and just did again,looking very nice now, smooth.

well done, its a good-un


thanks monkeybot.

  it's taking a long time, because i keep going over my code, and re-writing it. i've already made new graphics, but i have new ideas to add to the game again, like scrolling clouds and background tiles that move at a different speed than the forground tiles.

i am currently looking at the best render speed method, because i am filling the screen view with AFX images/tiles. the only video left are solid tiles, which take up the least screen space. i need to think about this, because i don't want the whole screen AFX, as this uses the CPU. sooo... i may change the screen layout, to include solid video tiles from the grass all the way down to the bottom of the screen. the more solid tiles, the more the graphics card is used, so a faster render speed.

i will keep experimenting, and see what i come up with.

It's easy to start a program, but harder to finish it...

I think that means i am getting old and get side tracked too easy.


Quoteit's taking a long time, because i keep going over my code, and re-writing it. i've already made new graphics, but i have new ideas to add to the game again, like scrolling clouds and background tiles that move at a different speed than the forground tiles.

  Adding layers is easy enough (See occlusion in V1.64M for example), but we do need to be careful about the scope of our game ideas here.  There will always be more cool things on the horizon, but at some point we need to make a choice as to where they fall.  Do they fall in  version 1, or version 2 ? - Otherwise it's like chasing your own tale, there's no clear end point.


Holly By Stevjmon -  PlayBASIC Game Demo (2020-12-15 )

    This is fantastic platformer tech demo written by stevmjon over a decade ago (it's dec 2020 today),  but it demonstrates some different approaches for building a platforming game in PlayBASIC. 

--[ Music: ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Float  by  Geographer


Looks great!

Smooth movement and great graphics. That's where I fall a bit short. I don't have the patience to do a lot of detail of particular objects.

What do use for the graphics? Is there a particular paint program good for doing something like that?

I used AutoCad for some 3D simulated graphics into 2D games but don't do that much anymore.
Ahh... Another visitor. Stay awhile....STAY FOREVER!!!...MWA-HA-HA-HA


hey kman

glad you like it. i actually have a newer version of this but haven't uploaded it. the website this version is linked to was made years ago with old software.
what i would like to do is get kev to increase the file size limit on the posts and i can just upload the newer one here. i could load it here if i break the graphics up into smaller files, but that is mucking around for users.
i am wanting to make a new version and have the world diggable, so you can make your own design, with crafting etc. more a survival world you can interact with.

the graphics i make myself using 3D software called lightwave 3D. i first model the objects, then place textures on them, then render the image.
then i used photoshop to touch up areas to get tilable seamless textures.
but this 3D software isn't supported at the moment, so there is blender 3D if you are interested. i looked at blender myself but need to get used to a different interface.
funny how you get used to certain software layouts.

with the character animation, it is all done inside the 3D software. i make the character in different sections/layers, then give each section a pivot point, like arms legs etc, then parent these to each other (like connecting via pivot points) then animate them over a timeline. then i save this as images for each frame of movement. it is not that difficult to do. i just looked up animation movement images on google to get what the walk cycle etc should look like.
i do have images of this somewhere i could look for on my computer and post it.

   thanks for your input, stevmjon
It's easy to start a program, but harder to finish it...

I think that means i am getting old and get side tracked too easy.



the link for this project file is closing soon. is it possible you can increase the file size limit for a post so i can upload it on here? the file is 15 meg zipped.
otherwise i need to make another website to have the file there, or i can use dropbox or similar. (don't prefer this as i like to have a screenshot and info about it, drop box doesn't have this)

i ask because i could choose to break this file into smaller sizes and upload these across multiple posts, so it will be 15 meg anyway, just separated. that is why i would just like to upload in a single post instead.
It's easy to start a program, but harder to finish it...

I think that means i am getting old and get side tracked too easy.


  You mean the file over at   ?

 I can upload it here easy enough.

Actually I could mirror the page on a subdomain or a static page on PB

I've made a mirror of it over here for the time being


cool kev, that is the link i mean.

if you don't want to increase the upload limit on posts, if i have any other projects i want to upload that are bigger than 5 meg, could you do the same thing and place it on PB website?
It's easy to start a program, but harder to finish it...

I think that means i am getting old and get side tracked too easy.