The Legacy of the Worms [Work in progress]

Started by Tifu, March 29, 2009, 04:24:43 PM

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The Legacy of the Worms
Link: Download beta

Link: Gameplay video


An adventure game in the style of Flashback or Prince of Persia, it's a horror game with lovecraftian mythos influences. This section of the game takes place about 30+ minutes into the game (rough estimate). We chose this area to build first because it conveniently shows off some of the game's important features, and is a fairly linear area of the game - the rest of the game is more open to exploration. Controls are displayed on startup, you can customise to your preference from the options screen.

* You have to open your inventory to equip weapons and turn on flashlights etc.
* Some enemies are smaller than others, you can't hit them when standing
* Pick up items by pressing down when standing over them

This has been in progress for a good few months (made longer due to a hard drive crash losing all my source code and forcing me to start from scratch... :D).

one thing:
One of my friends is experiencing a black border around some of the games sprites (the save areas he can see fine, which are created with SpriteDrawMode 4 whereas the other sprites - hero and monsters - are made with SpriteDrawMode 2. Anyone know why this would be? So far it's only that one friend, though I have only had the game tested on like 3 people's machines...


Hi Tifu

QuoteThis has been in progress for a good few months (made longer due to a hard drive crash losing all my source code and forcing me to start from scratch...
ahh , i backup mine to a memory stick just incase , nightmare starting again

as for the game , well its very very good , i like this a lot , a lot of work has gone into this i can see , works ok on my pc
the only gripe i would have with the game is that it runs full screen on my pc . but has you have the graphics at 320x240 its quite pixalated , thats the only gripe
i think that most games now sould be done in 640x480 as a minium , 800x600 for windowed and 1024x768 for full screen nowdays , but thats just my opion

mick :)


Quoteone thing:
One of my friends is experiencing a black border around some of the games sprites (the save areas he can see fine, which are created with SpriteDrawMode 4 whereas the other sprites - hero and monsters - are made with SpriteDrawMode 2. Anyone know why this would be? So far it's only that one friend, though I have only had the game tested on like 3 people's machines...

If you're not using 1.64I, then there was an error with one of the draw mode combinations.  Which might be the cause.

It's good to see somebody taking on some visual effects programming also.


Thanks for replies.

I see the point about the pixelation, I will have the option to play windowed or fullscreen later, not sure if that addresses the issue as it would then be in a tiny screen.

I have installed 1.64I, sent the resulting exe to my friend, but it doesn't seem to have fixed the problem for him :S


QuoteI have installed 1.64I, sent the resulting exe to my friend, but it doesn't seem to have fixed the problem for him :S

Well, you know what to do then


Quote from: kevin on April 02, 2009, 08:17:25 PM

QuoteI have installed 1.64I, sent the resulting exe to my friend, but it doesn't seem to have fixed the problem for him :S

Well, you know what to do then

What's that?

(This is his friend who keeps getting the black box issue, by the way... and the composer of the music in the demo.)



  erm, by creating a small piece of code with media produces the effect and post it in the bug forum.

  Although a screen shot of the 'error' would be useful also.  Because, only you've seen it.


It's actually that the sprite isn't rendering as transparent when it should be.  And yes, the sprite's transparent area is black, as I understand.


 Looks like whatever sprite draw mode combination has no transparent filler in this pixel mode.   What video mode is the game and your this computer running at ? 


Ugh, well that bug is small potatioes compared to what i'm getting now anyway. I don't think I can continue this in Playbasic. When I hit compile, the thing just crashes. No error message, just the standard windows crash error. Having done some tweaking, taking some code out, running it fine, putting code in, crashing... it seems to just crash when it tries to compile more than 9000 lines of code... wtf *bangs head futily against keyboard*


 erm.. and how does that help us, help you ??

what version of playbasic are we talking about ??

if the error occurs during compilation, then why haven't you posted a bug report ? , or better yet, sent me the source code ?   


Ah, sorry. Compiler Version: 1.64h Ide version: 1.1.7b
Though it happened before I updated, which was presumably the version before that.

The source code wouldn't do much good, it happens with any game that goes to 9000-12000 lines of code or more. I can open a simple game, just copy and paste some simple "if blah=1 then text 5,5,"hello"" and kaboom. And I suppose one could think that typing in the same line several thousand times is going to crash the game, but that isn't what I was doing when this game crashed - I just tried pasting extra code into some previous demos and such to see if same error occured, and it did :S


QuoteThe source code wouldn't do much good, it happens with any game that goes to 9000-12000 lines of code or more

 Interesting, as I have programs larger than 25,000 lines that compile and run without any problems.    Having the source greatly helps isolate the cause(s) of such problems so they can be resolved quickly.  If I have to guess, then this will not doubt drag on and on and on...    

Quote"if blah=1 then text 5,5,"hello"" and kaboom.

 If you've found a possible cause, then why isn't this posted in the BUGS board (login required) ??


 Try PlayBasic V1.64j Beta 14 (login required)


You'd have had to guess anyway even with source code, as the problem was happening with *any* code over that number of lines and is apparently unique to me if no one else was having such problems :-|

But awesomely enough that update seems to have solved it, which leaves me happy and confused.
Thanks muchly.