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Started by kevin, November 20, 2008, 07:30:05 AM

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   This is just a little side project, it's a remake (of sorts) of a game called Sabotage from the Apple II days.  The project is simply meant as another 'mini' game example for users to pick through.   While the game is inspired by an old Apply II game of the same name, and currently even uses some images from that (As you can no doubt tell )  it's not direct remake, since I can't remember it exactly.. But close enough will do :).    It's a sort of missile command game where you control the gun and have to shoot down the planes and paratroopers.  If too many paratroopers reach the ground they can over take your gun and you loose.    I think in the original there was more object types, but this will probably have to do.   

   If anybody has some graphics/ideas they think might work, then feel free to suggest them.   I'll whack the source up in the source board  for people to pick over and improve.



hi Kevin

well did'nt take you to long to knock this up , yep looks very much like the apple II version , apart from the new backdrop
looking forward to give it ago
i did had an atari 400 the time the apple II was out , then went upto an atari 800 a snip at £399 for the computer and £399 for the atari 800 disc drive

just getting my atari 65xl out now , looking for an ariel lead at the moment

mick :)


Sabotage V0.02

    Did another quick update of the previous version, mainly set it up to play a game (the player can die/restart a new game), plus added Bombs/grenades for the player, and getting the paratroopers to shoot at your gun once landed.  Since your primary gun can't shoot the paratroopers when they're on ground, this seems to make the game a little more frantic and interesting than it was.  But It's still a bit random really, so it needs some more behaviors for the various characters.   But those can always be added at some later stage. 

Source Code



Quotewell did'nt take you to long to knock this up , yep looks very much like the apple II version , apart from the new backdrop
looking forward to give it ago

    Yeah,  this one took a bit longer, didn;t have a clear idea of what I was going to do, and ended up spending way too much time looking for a some pretty sprites, found the odd one, but was hoping to find a set, wishful thinking i know. So i gave that up and just used the original ones.  Until then it was a bunch of lines shooting at a bunch of circles.   The backdrop was just something sitting in my download folder. 

     I don't really remember too much about the game, will have to rustle up an AppleIIe emulator and fire it up.   

Quotei did had an atari 400 the time the apple II was out , then went upto an atari 800 a snip at £399 for the computer and £399 for the atari 800 disc drive-  just getting my atari 65xl out now , looking for an ariel lead at the moment

   Wow playing on the real hardware.  I've still got my Amiga, but it's got a dead keyboard, so pretty much everything retro is emulation here.    Never had any Atari hardware myself (not even a 2600), did seriously consider buying an ST at one stage.