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PlayBasic V1.63w ->PlayBasic V1.64 (WIP) Gallery.

Started by kevin, August 06, 2008, 01:00:07 PM

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 PlayBasic V1.64i  - Platform game AFX Map Tests

   These shots are some WIP/test of adding AFX Maps to PB.  AFX maps are maps that use Alpha channel and may be able to tinted real time, we'll see.     

Makeii Runoru

This stuff looks awesome :o I want my hands on it :P
This signature is boring, and could be improved. However, the user of this signature doesn't need a fancy signature because he or she doesn't really care for one.



PlayBasic V1.64i  - Neon / Blur-o-Vision

    These shots sort of replicate a visual effect you see in a lot of those so called vector shooters. 


PlayBasic V1.64j  - MMX opt'd gouraud

    This is really the same scene as above, except V1.64J revision includes a couple of new changes.  Namely, there's a new BlitFX mode that handles the post pixel scaling and a few new opt's to some the gouraud fillers routines.   Combined these small improvements, allow the handle higher resolutions at the same rate.   


Quote from: kevin on March 24, 2009, 10:15:30 AM

PlayBasic V1.64i  - Neon / Blur-o-Vision

    These shots sort of replicate a visual effect you see in a lot of those so called vector shooters. 

nice work!!!


 PlayBasic V1.64j  - MMX filtering (mask colour)

    The following demo's the current (WIP) of rewriting various pixel fetches completely for  MMX instruction set.  The update gives about a 25% boost in this regard.  Will make full screen (rotated) filtering possible. Can prolly trim a little more fat also.   

    The difficulty here is 'detecting' the mask colour. Which only appears a few times in the piccy. 

   Updated: The second picture is updated version of the mask colour compressed filter.  This one reacts better to the mask colour texels and is faster to boot.


#PlayBasic V1.64i  - Neon / Blur-o-Vision
> that's really nice !!!
More games ? Go to my website :)


 PlayBasic V1.64j  - MMX filtering (no texel compression) with Alpha50

    The engine now supports disabling mask colour compression, which gets rid of the mask detection problems.  As Filtering and MaskColour don't mix.  So in this case you'd use Alpha Channel to govern the pixels visibility.

    In the piccy the frame buffer is gouraud shaded, and the filtered image is alpha blended over the result.


 PlayBasic V1.64j  - Multi Pass Full Screen Filtering

    This example is 3 layer effect.  Layer #1 is Gouraud backdrop,  layer #2 is a bunch of filtered/tinted/Alpha50 spites and layer 3 is huge filtered/alpha50  sprite covering it all.   Gives an interesting effect when moving.   

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 PlayBasic V1.64j  - Mask Colour Filtered , Anti Aliased Sprites With Tint

    This is actually not a new effect, this combination is available in previous versions of PlayBasic 1.64 for example,  but the new texel fetching routines make it lot more useful.   It's not going to be express mind you,  as filtering is heavy on (random) memory access,  none the less, the 1.64J render engine is about 30% faster than previous editions.  If you disable mask colour compression, then filtering is about %50 faster.  Which means you can actually do full screen filtered effects.


PlayBasic V1.64j  - Filtered Terrain

    Just like the post above, the following picture is not a new effect, it's just that the recent filtering methods changes,  have made filtered terrain possible.  This means those messing around with software 3d solutions can achieve a much closer visual approximation (to hardware), just without the polygon through put.
    The demo is the Terrain demo from the V1.63 example pack. The only code changes, is that terrain object has it's drawmode set to filtered and the demo is capped to 50fps.


Quote from: kevin on April 23, 2009, 07:13:59 AM

PlayBasic V1.64j  - Filtered Terrain

    Just like the post above, the following picture is not a new effect, it's just that the recent filtering methods changes,  have made filtered terrain possible.  This means those messing around with software 3d solutions can achieve a much closer visual approximation (to hardware), just without the polygon through put.
    The demo is the Terrain demo from the V1.63 example pack. The only code changes, is that terrain object has it's drawmode set to filtered and the demo is capped to 50fps.

Nice, recalls the first tomb raider =)


 PlayBasic V1.64j8  - LerpedVertList

     This is testing a new vertex list command to handle LERPing between vertex sets.  The demo is just drawing a set of vertex as depth shaded circles.  Sorta looks like a chunk of ice or something at the right distance from the viewer.   The lerping is used to transform the vertex list between the two states.   
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