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RPG Walk : Grid or 8-Way?

Started by hartnell, May 24, 2008, 11:01:25 AM

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Sorry Tommy, I didn't see your post.

Yeah, the whole point of my question was to see what people think of when they think RPG movement. I'm 31. I think "Dragon Warrior."

-- hartnell


Zelda does NOT count as an RPG, it's an action adventure.
Now, by movement are you thinking more along the lines of Final Fantasy formulae? You could do a mix of both but personally it depends on your tastes and how you want to lay it out.
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Makeii Runoru

Quote from: sadron on August 10, 2008, 07:04:12 PM
Zelda does NOT count as an RPG, it's an action adventure.

We don't want to walk down that road again. I'm sure there's a whole book on the debate of whether or not Zelda is an RPG or Action Adventure.
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I'm mostly a RPG Developer both are used in RPGs and basically it just depends on the type of game you're going to have. If you want some realisim Pixel-Movement+8 way would be the best to code, or if you want grid, usually 16X16 is the standard... but I have seen 32X32 used for tile movement.

All games today are basically pixel based except Pokemon, the movement I'm gonna code on Monday is 8 way, probably will take me a few hrs to adjust to the new programming language.
---|KazaKami Gaming|---