
Building a 3D Ray Tracer  By stevmjon

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To Tommy

Started by stef, June 23, 2006, 11:01:05 AM

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Size=180: CreateImage 1,Size,Size: RenderToImage 1:intens =255:For lp=0 To Size*10  
col_r=RndRange (0,1):col_g=RndRange (0,1):col_b=RndRange (0,1)
CircleC RndRange(0,size),RndRange (0,size),5,1,RGB (col_r*intens,col_g*intens,col_b*intens)
Next:  LoadFont "comic sans ms",2,size,1:  MakeBitmapFont 2,RGB(255,255,255)
BlendBitmapFont 2,1: SetFont 2:RenderToScreen: CenterText 400,100,"HAPPY"
CenterText 400,240,"BIRTHDAY": CenterText 400,380,"TOMMY":  Sync:  WaitKey

Ian Price

If this is the case, then a very Happy Birthday to you matey :)
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


Hey Stef,
thanks a lot! What a nice code sample and a even nicer message :D

And yes, Ian, it's nearly true. Right now in Germany it's 8:30 pm of the 23rd of June, so I have still 3 1/2 hours to feel much younger!

On the other hand in a few hours I am the answer to life, the universe and everything (or I have the age of being the answer to life, the universe and everything)   :D

At least that's what I told my wife this morning when she wanted to kiss me the last morning that I was young  :P

I feel good  :)

Thanks for your congratulations,


Happy Birthday. :)


Cheers, have a happy birthday..

Big C.

Moin Tommy,

I wish you...

- what you would like with pleasure becomes true
- your lucky star shines brightly and of course
- to the stress job never too much
- the jackpot during the lotto
- feeling for in fact Important one
- experiences mostly only good
- the Santa Claus always without rod
- decisions with good Hands
- contacts only to nice people
- humor in all situations
- the overview at all fronts
- and a few euros on the accounts
- to laugh on every day a little
- and things which do you joy
- a life of full harmony
- reserves always at energy
- a lot of sunshine on all ways
- sanitarily never problems
- with your dear beautiful hours
- a piece of the sky on the earth
- that nothing becomes burdening for you
- remain always very complaint-free

Happy Birthday...