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Remake Innovation

Started by kevin, May 20, 2006, 10:34:26 AM

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Competition Title: Remake Innovation - Remake your favourite 8bit & 16bit Atari & Commodore Classics [/u]

Launched: 18th,Dec,2005

Document Revision V0.11 - Last Updated 6th,Feb,2006

Competition Sponsors



Your aim is to breath new life into a classic 8 or 16 bit title from either the Atari or Commodore line of machines. You can choose any game you like, be it well known, or not. While you are free to remake the title as perfectly as you like, the goal of this competition is not to just build another pixel perfect remake of a popular retro game, but rather to expand and innovate new ideas into the original game. So were encouraging you to try out all those crazy ideas you've had over the years, but never had the incentive. So here's your chance.

What's classified as an 8 or 16bit Game Machine / Home Computer ? [/u]

While there are number of 8 & 16bit computers and consoles produced in the 1980's. We've decided to limit this competition to either Atari or Commodore machines. Just to make it a bit more focused. Even so there are still 1000's of titles to choose across those platforms. So it's hardly a limit at all really :)

Atari Machines: Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Atari 8 bitter, Atari ST's

Commodore Machines: Vic20, C64, C128, Amiga's

Starting Date[/u]

This competition opens Sunday 18th,Dec,2005

Closing Date[/u]

All entries must be received (uploaded) by the 12 oclock midnight (Melbourne/Australia

Time - GMT + 10)

25th February 2006.

Take me to the Current Time & Date In Melbourne

There is No limit upon the number entries a contestant can enter.


Games are to be created using either the PlayBasic V1.088 or PlayBasic V1.089 (Demos)  or PlayBasic Retail (any version) can be used.

For PlayBasic demo users, we have released a special competition version of PlayBasic.  While this version will NOT produce exe's, the demo limitations have eased to ensure easy participation.

Submission Guidelines[/u]

> Your game must be produced using PlayBasic

> Games can be submitted in the any of the following forms

1) Exe + Media
2) Exe + Media + Source Code
3) Source Code + Media (for demo users)

NOTE: Source Code + Exe submissions will NOT be released without authors permission.  

> Entries Must NOT include any copyrighted or trademarked media (ie characters/music

etc) without including written permission from the materials owner(s)..

> Entries can not exceed a maximum Zipped or RAR file size of 5 Megabytes

> All Entries must include a README.TXT file including the following information.

1) Original Game: Title & Platform  Eg (Commando / C64)
2) Your Name(s): (Or your Team Name)
3) Brief Description of the game including any cool changes / innovations you've made
4) Controls
5) Software/Hardware Requirements

> Submission must NOT contain any bad language, adult images or racial intolerance.

> Authors automatically give consent for the use of  Screens Shots / Game Details to

be published on and used within PlayBasic Promotions, including

the Underware Design News letter.

Judging Criteria [/u]

1) Playability (30% )
2) Improvements (30% )
3) Graphics (25% )
4) Sound (15% )

Note: Improvements are those additional features that you've added to the original game concept.


1st Prize

- $150 (US) Cash - Awarded Via
- 3 Full copies of PlayBasic (for team members)
- 1 Full License of igLoader + 1/2 Day consultation
- 1 Copy of FPS CREATOR.
- 1 Copy of ExGen
- 3 Months advertising (768x100 promo banner) on
- 1 Free Music Track by Matt Mcfarland
- Published on

2nd Prize

- $75 (US) Cash - Awarded Via
- 2 Full copies of PlayBasic
- 1 Copy of FPS CREATOR.
- 1 Copy of ExGen
- Published on

3rd Prize

- $25 (US) Cash - Awarded Via
- 1 Full copy PlayBasic
- 1 Copy of ExGen
- Published on

Winner will be interviewed in Issue #21 of the (join on the  home page) News letter

Note: While all submissions will be evaluated for possible publishing on , all place getters will be granted a position automatically.

 However, publishing is subject to the authors consent !

Note: Cash prizes can only be awarded via !

Note: All 3rd party prizes are delivered by sponsors and not UnderwareDesign

Competition rules are subject to change at any time

Good Luck