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On Line High Score Tables and Documentation

Started by Sad Professor, October 29, 2005, 08:34:56 AM

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Sad Professor

Hi, I'm currently thinking of transferring from DBPro to Playbasic and have a couple of questions.

1. In DPro, I coded an online high score table using FTP access  -  as far as I can tell, Playbasic doesnt support FTP - is there a way around this with the HTTP commands ?

2. If you buy the full version of Playbasic, does it come with any extra docs/tutorials?

Thanks for any help


Quote1. In DPro, I coded an online high score table using FTP access  -  as far as I can tell, Playbasic doesnt support FTP - is there a way around this with the HTTP commands ?

You should be able to do it with the http commands but it will be more complicated. You can send data to the server in the url string and send data to the client in the webpage.

e.g use the url
to send the players name and score to the server.

The server could then send back a high score table, or whatever info the client needs.

Of course you will need some something running on the server like a php script that will take the input, work with it and then send the output. You will also want to use some form of encryption on the data you send to the sever so the user can't cheat by querying the url with false info.

I'd advise against using ftp as with ftp your login info is transmitted in cleartext. If the user realises you are using ftp they could sniff your login info and cause some mischief.