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Map Editor

Started by RaverDave, October 17, 2005, 08:23:31 PM

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I think I read somewhere whilst browsing the forums of a map editor called maybe playedit??I cant remember rightly! But is there such a thing and where can I get it from??


 Well, PlayBASIC comes with a (open source) tool called PlayMapper.  You can find it in the Projects/Tools folder.  Although were having a few drama with it.

Here's a thread about it, and a place to download a exe version of the tool. Play Mapper Problems (login required)

-> Edit: For all things mapping related see the PlayMapper Board


Dah! I should open my eyes next time!

Hmmm...will try it out and see!
Thanks for the help!


Hmmmm,yeh there seems to be a problem when you want to just start off a new map with this editor! Although if you just load a predone one it functions fine?!
Ok anyhow..just to learn something..can anybody show me a map in action?
The default one in maploader folder loads the soccer map! Can anybody get a ball moving around it for me?perhaps??


Yeah, the version of PM source that we have appears to have some rather odd bugs.  SiN posted a exe version of PLayMapper on his site.

Sins Home page

-> Edit: For all things mapping related see the PlayMapper Board


Oh my! it seems pretty problematic,the exe works ok until you use the maploader,then there's alot of if i press right cursor to scroll right it doesnt do so until about 1 or 2 seconds after!!
Also I noticed I am getting alot of access violation errors within playbasic!
For example:
Access voilation at address 70A72132in module "SHLWAPI.dll" in read address 001E4000... Is 1 of many weird errors


Now I have access violation 0040414A in module "Editor.exe" just with trying to load a normal example!


Sounds like something is broken your install, although "SHLWAPI.dll" isn't a Pb related dll.

I'd reboot, re-instal PB and forget PlayMapper until the author fixes it or we replace it.

There's also a mini mappy library included (but not documented) with PB in plibs folder.  It can be used load basic Mappy Maps.  I forget what is and is not supported now.