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Game Programming Tutorials

Started by kevin, May 29, 2005, 09:34:58 AM

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Would a set PlayBasic based Game Programming tutorials be of use ?

Yes - I'm new and have no idea how games are created
11 (28.9%)
Yeah - I'd love to learn more about game creation with PlayBasic
23 (60.5%)
Maybe - Depends on what topics are covered
1 (2.6%)
Not really - I've been coding for years.  But I could write some
3 (7.9%)
Nah - Heaps of stuff of game programming on the net
0 (0%)
No - Not interested
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 32


Quotecool i cant wait, i have been playing around with codes i have come across and got things to happen, would like to know how lol, and it seems most grafics are code rather than image's, any rason for this, i was hoping that creating my own image's would save on codes is this true or false?, sorry for such easy questions but as i said very new to this, thanks Dave

Can you be more clear? I dont quite understand, but yes it takes alot of code to tame all the images needed for games..
DualCore Intel Core 2 processor @ 2.3 ghz, Geforce 8600 GT (latest forceware drivers), 2 gigs of ram, WIN XP home edition sp2, FireFox 2.

"You'll no doubt be horrified to discover that PlayBasic is a Programming Language." -Kevin

just dave

thanks for a fast reply, think i might be to green for this, lol, my idea is to have 3d image's i have made myself, ie back ground sub background and objects, in a platform style game, but moving as in a 3d game, best game i can think of is Steel Dragon if you know it, i dont know if to do this would be more coding than making the game from codes


You mean this ? (login required)

Anyway. It looks pretty flash.

While you can project a 3d styled backdrop, you've have to be pretty careful in term of load.    I highly doubt it's doable at a an acceptable rate ( above 30fps) atm.

just dave

yep thats the game :), if you look at the 3rd still frame fromt he game, i can try and explain what i mean, what i was thinking of was making a 3d madel of the space station, take a number of stills of it revolving, with a back colour to turn invisible so i have my stary background showing, lets say i take 17 frames of the space station, just to revolve slowly as the game is playing, the boss ship above will be a 2d pic of a ship of my design the same with the player ship, to get the detail i want i wouldnt know where to start typing a code fropm, but to import these image's i would hope is easier, or maybe i got the wrong idea about playbasic program, thanks Dave


Well, PlayBasic is programming language focusing upon game making.

 This means you write program code to drive every aspect of your game.   This is not to be confused with 'click and play' style game makers though, where the user imports media and effectively just customizes the tools built in game.   Meaning they generally only make one type of game per tool.  And still generally require programming to customize them.    Where as a dedicate programming language can be used to build pretty much anything the author is capable of producing.   And that's the key here.  While you don't need to be programming guru, you will need to be willing to invest some time and effort learning some basic programming.

 Anyway, I wasn't totally sure what you were proposing before, however, You can certainly load your pre-rendered animation frames of your space ship(s), and then display them.  The ships in then Xenon demo on the home page is actually done that way.  (We didn't create the art work though, that's by the bitmap brothers)

just dave

great thanks, time to learn i have, but i need to start basic, i have had a look around the forum but i see most help is for people that have a little understanding of coding, could you point to something i could read up to get the very basic's and me on the way? thanks Dave


If you look inside playbasic there's a help section with referances to many, many, commands WITH examples.

Might I suggest starting out with:
*Loops (For, While, Do, Loop)
*Printing Text to the screen (Print, Text, STR$())
*Creating Varibles (MyGuysName$="Bob")
*Playing with playing with random numbers (Varible=Rnd())
*If statements (IF, THEN, ELSE)

Here's something to start you on:

 Cls 0
 Text 10,10,"Hello World"
DualCore Intel Core 2 processor @ 2.3 ghz, Geforce 8600 GT (latest forceware drivers), 2 gigs of ram, WIN XP home edition sp2, FireFox 2.

"You'll no doubt be horrified to discover that PlayBasic is a Programming Language." -Kevin

just dave

hi, ok i think i have mastered font, up to now i have been able toplace font where i want what color etc, i have even got a background pic scaled in, and even a blue bubble bouncing around in there, but i stil have no idea how to start a game, apart fromt he games that have already been made, tutorials are really needed hear i think, for newbies anyway,      thx Dave


I made a strictly begginers tutorial in the tutorial section, I'l make another, more complicated one today
DualCore Intel Core 2 processor @ 2.3 ghz, Geforce 8600 GT (latest forceware drivers), 2 gigs of ram, WIN XP home edition sp2, FireFox 2.

"You'll no doubt be horrified to discover that PlayBasic is a Programming Language." -Kevin


If you are willing to make a tutorial on sprite maniplation and bmp manipulation and how to use them in various types of games, then i will definitely use it. I am a pretty good programmer and I got into PB and I won't mind seekin help from an expert on the language. I work full time and lack of time is the name of the day for me, but if something worthwile like that should be made, I will surely make time for it. Thanks! :D