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3 error/crash questions

Started by Jeku, January 24, 2005, 02:12:26 AM

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Sorry if these have already been asked (I did a search)...


Whenever I try and use network commands the interpreter crashes out.

For example I tried the code in the Help docs for the command HTTPRequestString, ran it, and it crashed again.  I've restarted the IDE a few times.

I don't have a copy of the error as there is no description.  It's a basic crash (i.e. PlayBasic has caused an error and will shut down.)

I also tried compiling the code and running the EXE --- same thing.


Often when I compile it says the linker timed out, but the EXE still seems fine.  Should this be anything I worry about?


Quite often I get an exception error with the IDE when I'm editing code.  It seems to happen more often when I'm down near the bottom last 2 or 3 lines of code.  I would get a screenie except now I can't reproduce the bug!  Murphy's law...
Automaton Games - Home of WordTrix 2.0, WordZap, and GameBasic
Jeku's Music - Easy listening electronic...


Yep, there's something screwed up with that on some machines. I'm not quite sure why this happens yet.

No need to worry about this one. :) It's a simple timing problem. With the next update we'll change the way how compiler and res binder communicate so that this shouldn't happen anymore.

Interesting. Can you continue after that error or does the IDE completely crash?


QuoteInteresting. Can you continue after that error or does the IDE completely crash?

Yes, you can still continue.  Darn it I just got it again, too, but I was typing and hit 'Enter' before I could stop myself :|  Don't worry I'm bound to get it again quickly.
Automaton Games - Home of WordTrix 2.0, WordZap, and GameBasic
Jeku's Music - Easy listening electronic...


Could you try switching off the auto case correction (Preferences -> Editor), and see if it still happens?


Yeah i still get crashes with case correct on also..



Nah, i get the odd 'exception' even with it off.  Another bizarre one is that sometimes the cursor stops working entirely and you can no longer editor the source.  I.e You hit enter/ type and nothing happens..  You can still save etc..


Since the HTTP commands crash for me (which is very sad to me particulary because I want to setup an online high score table for WordZap), is there any way for me to have a browser window from within PB?  Maybe even in a separate window?  I would like it so the user can't see the URL, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if they could.
Automaton Games - Home of WordTrix 2.0, WordZap, and GameBasic
Jeku's Music - Easy listening electronic...


Nah there's nothing built in to do that..   I'm getting crashes with the Http commands also,  very tempted to remove until we can solve whatever the issue(s) are with them. :(


Hmmm...  seems that some of the commands crash only when used a certain way.  For example:

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
  Http = GetFreeHttp()
; Open a HTTP Channel
OpenHTTP Http, "Tutorial", "", ""
; Request the size of a file
HTTPRequestSize Http, ""
; Get the size
Size = GetHttpTotalSize(Http)
; print the size
Print size
; close the HTTP channel
CloseHTTP Http
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

Does not crash for me.  However,

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
Cls 0


OpenHTTP me,"GetSize","",""
HTTPASync me,1

HTTPMode me,1
HTTPRequestSize me,""

Cls 0
Print "loop:"+Str$(lp)
Print GetHttpTotalSize(me)
Inc lp
Until GetHttpStatus(me)=1

Print "Done"

CloseHTTP me


crashes.  It shouldn't though because it's almost exactly the same as the first code snippet.
Automaton Games - Home of WordTrix 2.0, WordZap, and GameBasic
Jeku's Music - Easy listening electronic...


So the first one works for you ?,  they both crash here..  :(((


Yes, the first one works for me.  That is so bizarre--- perhaps it's machine independant (which probably makes things harder on your side).


Okay, I just tried it again, and now they both don't work.  But the first one worked earlier.  I guess this is good news as it's probably NOT machine independat  :unsure:
Automaton Games - Home of WordTrix 2.0, WordZap, and GameBasic
Jeku's Music - Easy listening electronic...