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Does the WAIT command work properly?

Started by Jeku, January 23, 2005, 04:26:08 PM

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Global title_img = 62
LoadImage CurrentDir$() + "\img\automaton_games.jpg", title_img

Cls 100

DrawImage title_img, ((GetScreenWidth() / 2) - (GetImageWidth(title_img) / 2)), ((GetScreenHeight() / 2) - (GetImageHeight(title_img) / 2)), 0


Wait 5000

It seems to wait about 1 or 2 seconds before continuing.  If I change the value to 20000 for 20 seconds, it still waits the same amount of time (1 or 2 seconds).

I don't mind just using the timer() command instead but I just thought I'd ask.
Automaton Games - Home of WordTrix 2.0, WordZap, and GameBasic
Jeku's Music - Easy listening electronic...


Wait is actually limited a max of a 1000 milliseconds.


Ahhh, hence the problem hehehe.  I didn't realize there was a max length as the docs use an example with 3000 :)
Automaton Games - Home of WordTrix 2.0, WordZap, and GameBasic
Jeku's Music - Easy listening electronic...


yeah just checked that,  blame empty for that one  :)  (whistles)
