
Building a 3D Ray Tracer  By stevmjon

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Will somebody port raylib to PlayBASIC?

Started by piamoo, October 25, 2022, 09:31:09 PM

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Quotehow does normal PB use hardware acceleration? is this when you have an image in video memory, and this is drawn directly to the screen as solid/transparent, as this uses the gpu?

   Yep..  in PB this is done using hardware accelerated direct draw interface..  But.... there's a but..   While these API's are still around; they're not supported very well in modern windows (win 8 onwards) and therefore modern GPU drivers.   So how well they handle it; is how they handle it..  

   It's like your partner telling you they'll always love you; right before they wander off with your best friend..  That's what hardware support on the PC is like..