Scramble cannot run properly in version 1.64P

Started by piamoo, December 05, 2014, 12:00:08 AM

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Scramble is a demo game in the projects package. I noticed that this game could run in retail version 1.64L without any problem. After I upgraded PlayBASIC to version 1.64P, a problem appeared. By pressing the spacebar, some colourful balls were emitted from the metal spaceship. In version 1.64L, the colourful balls fell to the ground normally. However, in version 1.64P, the colourful balls froze(or floated) in the air. Any other user also discover this problem? May it be a bug of version 1.64P? Thanks a lot.


So no other user has this problem? This problem only occurs on my computer?

I think that this problem should be solved. Otherwise, other new users(like me) may not have confidence in the software.

I look forward to some replies from other users. Thanks first.


   There's an issue with SpriteInRegion() for none rotated sprites and  TypeOF() isn't querying the object it was passed, rather whatever junk was in the VM register at the time of the call.  So it'd work sometimes and not others.  

  Why are they different ?  - Read the V1.64P WIP blogs  

QuoteI think that this problem should be solved. Otherwise, other new users(like me) may not have confidence in the software.

  While every effort is made to keep successive PlayBASIC upgrades backward compatible, nobody should expect  100% of legacy code to be 'paste and run' in newer versions.    The reason for this is simple, new features often mean comprises have to be made.   There is a way users can help this and that's by beta testing, reading the release histories manuals & blogs...


Quote from: kevin on December 06, 2014, 11:44:57 AM
  There's an issue with SpriteInRegion() for none rotated sprites and  TypeOF() isn't querying the object it was passed, rather whatever junk was in the VM register at the time of the call.  So it'd work sometimes and not others.  

Hi, therefore, this game cannot run  in the version 1.64P not because of any bug in the version 1.64P. Right? I see.! Thanks.! Your explanation is in detailed.

QuoteWhy are they different ?  - Read the V1.64P WIP blogs  

ok....but it is too difficult for me to understand the blogs. These articles are too technical.


I discover that Scramble can normally run in the version 1.64P2 Beta#08.!