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Slow down,due to GFX driver?

Started by monkeybot, October 18, 2013, 11:57:55 AM

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I have a problem,it has been happening since win7(i can't remember it happening in XP but my brain is fairly swiss cheese like so it may have)

i am merrily programming away and all of a sudden i lose loads of FPS,i will have been running easily at 50 fps (500-600 frames on a timer based setup) and then it drops to 30 fps i have tried disabling and then enabling my gfx card and changing resolution and then back again,the only way i seem to be able to rectify this situation is to reboot.
it seems really random.
its also bee going on for ages,its not a new thing.

Any ideas?

8gb ram
geforce gtx 560 Ti


  it's not a PB thing, it's a windows thing.   When any app starts hogging the system, then system will scale it back. 

(500-600 frames on a timer based setup)

   500 is overkill.  Even when motion is time based, then you still need release time back to windows so running.


i know its a windows thing.
i was wondering if anyone has any tricks to reinitialise the gfx driver rather than rebooting.