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android exporter ?

Started by micky4fun, April 30, 2013, 05:26:09 PM

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Hi all

one of my mates sent me a link to MMF2 letting me know there's a android exporter for there MMF2 program , but as I was just trying the demo and it was not really for me but at $69
if I was using MMF2 I would have bought it , just to have some fun with my android devices with

I thought its a shame PB does not have something like this at a add on price , is this maybe a wasted opportunity or to much work involved ?
and while on this thought as PB is so cheap compared with other editors , why don't you make a small charge for major updates ?

mick :)


  I'll let you in a little known (but poorly guarded) secret...    I've already successfully built techs that for a number of different targets.

why don't you make a small charge for major updates

    A few small charges wouldn't cover the cost of bringing it to market.


Hi all

well if ever you do release the android exporter my moneys sitting here waiting

mick :)


ooh multi target PB,I like the sound of that...