Conditions for implement main icon in exe-file

Started by Sigtrygg, February 04, 2013, 09:43:22 AM

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Is it correct that you can only create a main icon for
exe-file if you have only one source-file?
Or how can I implement a main icon for the exe?
At the moment it works only if my programm exist of
only one main source file.


The number of source files isn't connected to the project icon.   If you change icons / splashes, or fiddle the settings then it'll probably be lost at some point.     That data is held in the PBR file, the sources are in the project file (PBP).   


Well, indeed I have changed the icon a lot of times.
So, I mustn't do this? Important to know for me.



if they get lost, just reset them..  we can't do anything about it...