
Building a 3D Ray Tracer  By stevmjon

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How Big is your longest program ?

Started by kevin, August 26, 2011, 10:25:39 AM

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How many lines of code is your biggest PlayBASIC program

lower than 500 lines
500-1000 lines
1000-1500 lines
1500-2000 lines
2000-2500 lines
2500-3000 lines
3000-3500 lines
3500-4000 lines
4000-5000 lines
5000-7500 Lines
7500-10000 lines
bigger than 10000


just curious about how big people programs actually are... vote away !


prolly best to write short programs otherwise this happens to your keyboard too...  :)

(yep.. that's my actual everyday keyboard !)


My biggest one is about 8000 lines so far, got a LOT to go though, so don't know how many there will be >:^)


 and all in one source right ? :)


Yup, all in source, working on that artillery game I did that terrain example for a couple of years ago. Been working on & off on it. mostly off....


Well, I've got so many projects going right now and so many "side" programs.

I tend to code alot of game mechanic demos outside of the actual game to test things without messing my original code up first. That way I can optimize a bit and figure out where in my main source itll fit best.
Then I usually re design the main source of my game to encapsulate that new code.