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Sam's Layer 1.01 new game

Started by XpMe_v1.2, April 14, 2011, 09:17:56 PM

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Sam's Layer 1.01 game 25mb may be found on
1 player freeware game. Screenshot also may be found on this web page.
800x600y32 full screen. compiled with v1.64m

Don't break any windows !
Sam remembers when these buildings were brand new and
made decent money when he placed these bricks.
And now he has won with the lowest the bid for this new
remodeling job.

Sam's Layer requires Sam to remove old bricks and then
lay down new bricks on the building walls and around
glass windows while avoiding breaking the glass
by using the left-right-up-down arrow keys.
You must avoid braking any windows or you loose a life.
You gain a extra life every 5000 points gained.
When you end the game and your score is high enough then
your name goes on to the high score list.
9 levels. 1 bonus round. Time limit for each round.
Death stalks you and rain clouds don't like you.
Use a broom to kill spiders.
Floating bonus points gets in you way during game play.
and more.

Have some fun playing it.

...XpMe v1.2
