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3DS Games Pricing Revealed

Started by kevin, January 19, 2011, 09:48:25 PM

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Heh, still a kid at heart, pre-ordered mine already :^P


wow! that is expensive.
i predict epic failure


hi all

Ain,t been about for a while now , but still reading forums here and there , i have been really busy for a while lately,
but i will be back soonish , off to australia tomorrow for 2 weeks..

well had my first go on the 3ds today and thought i would give my views as already got 3dtv , 3d pc and 3d projector , so i am kinda into the 3d thing as you can see
but first of all as this is the 3ds pricing thread , in the uk amazon uk is doing 3ds console at £189 at the moment and most 3ds games at £29 i think these are far more a fair price for unit and games
as for will it fail or be huge i dont really know , but mt first impressions are as follows

its about the size of a dsi unit and the bottom screen seems the same size as a dsi screen with the top screen being a bit wider than the bottom one , 3d resolution looked quite good to me
the 3d camera is ok for using on the unit only as its only 640x480 resolution
the games i played did look quite impressive , 3d depth is quite good and smooth , but you have to look dead on at the screen , if you tilt screen left or right the 3d goes , not only does it go you get two 2d frames shown at once which looks quite messy , so you need to keep it quite straight , ile say you have a 10 degrea angle either way , but when playing unit i did not loose the 3d effect so it aint going to be to hard to keep it straight.

so thats a very brief look at the unit in my eyes , i just wish the top sreen was a little bigger , one thing i did notice it that the top screen did have a slight black border either side of it when playing games
i think that wee will see a dsxl version pretty soon maybe, which would be very nice
will i get one , of course i will

just one other thing i hear that a deal bringing 3d films to the unit has been struck , well now this is really a waste of time and will fail for sure

see you all soonish

mick ;D