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Problems with purchasing

Started by RayRayTea2, February 08, 2013, 08:26:24 AM

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I just tried to buy PB but the experience was very silly. After a few attempts at filling out Digital River's online form I finally realized it's just buggy and doesn't work in Chrome :P Alright, let's say I understand that although they could have popped up a warning upfront (a simple "IE only" would be enough) instead of letting me jump through the hoops for 20 minutes.

In Explorer, it says it doesn't want to open the content within a frame for security reasons (at least it offers me an option to open it in a new window). So in the end, my PayPal lists the product I want to buy as "" (sounds like a typical script spam site to me) which I definitely didn't buy! After the initial shock and a bit of googling it turns out it's a code Digital River uses for its product... etc etc. in the end I got it. Still, whoever is charge of setting this part up I humbly suggest to use something professional like BMT Micro instead of the funny Digital River. Buying something really shouldn't take more than half an hour and include a panicky googling session just to check what the heck am I buying.

Alright now, off to install the thing. See you later!