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How about a PlayBasic SOCIAL NETWORK?

Started by iloveTALLwoman, December 13, 2009, 01:24:18 PM

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Firt of all, Its just an idea, sorry if this idea offended any people


1. I see this wonderfull service , that make a social community.
This already have a script instled and you just need to manager the network
Have a free and paid plans
I see in the totorial that you can emmbebed a external page

2. Another good choice is - Its opens source and have a paid version -But you have to host by yourself --- THE GOOD is the social network that you cam Attach your files forus to put ours plybasic codes.

I'm saying that because, in my point of view, a Playbasic social network is a goooood and great idea.

Sorry my poor english :)

And Thank you for your attention.

