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WIP: Tetris clone

Started by MudbuG, August 25, 2008, 10:14:36 PM

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Here is my first stab at making a game in PlayBasic (Just purchased it a couple weeks ago).  I hope you enjoy it.

There is no scoring, no levels, no sound effects, but it is playable and kind of fun (if you like tetris).  Right, Left arrow keys to move the pieces, up key to rotate, down key to drop a piece.  ESC exits.

Attempting to attach a screenshot... 
BTW, I am no good artist, you may recognize the block images from "2D Graphics Buffet" topic at TheGameCreators, posted by David Gervais a couple years ago. :)



That's looking pretty good !  - Don't be afraid to slap a screen shot up though.


I found something strange yesterday... I downloaded this old version and compiled it.  When I try to run the EXE it created, my shapes were positioned wrong.  When I run through the IDE, it works as expected. 

This is a puzzle to me.  I suppose it could be a bug in the version of compiler I am using, or a strange side effect of some variable(s) I am using.  Since this code was posted I started using Explicit and found some things, so maybe that's it.  I have not tried running the EXE from my latest version of the game yet ... and with new compiler.  I will try this soon. 

I am just wondering if anyone else has had some similar experience with compiled EXEs.



Here is an update.  I fixed the problems that caused the EXE to not work correctly.  I still don't know why it worked when run from the IDE.  Now the game will wait for [spacebar] to start, and you can start a new game after you lose.  Also pieces animate while moving and droping as well as rotating.  All of these animations can be turned off by setting a flag and re-compiling.  Eventually I plan to make these options in the game menu (which does not exist yet).

You can adjust the piece position after it falls, even when you drop it by pressing the down arrow key.  This allows you to fill in gaps left by other pieces.

The speed still does not increase, and no scoring yet.

