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Handling Multiple Animations using Timer()

Started by kevin, April 02, 2009, 10:33:21 PM

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 Handling Multiple Animations using Timer()

  This example demo's how to handle collections of game objects all animating independently of each other.

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; >> Handling Multiple Animations Using Timer<<
; Code By: Kevin Picone
; Copyright 2009 by Kevin Picone, All Rights Reserved.
; About:
; ======
; This example demonstrates one approach for animating multiple game objects
; base upon the system timer(). The demo displays a grid of doors, each one
; is represented on screen as a line. So visually it's not too interesting.

; When the user clicks a door, the door will swing open then automatically
; close. It could stay open if you like, but I didn't bother. The interesting
; part is the each door has local animation based upon the time it's been open.
; What's local animation ? There's two main types of animation approaches
; used in games programming, Local and Global. Local systems are where the
; game object includes animation counters/timers internally, so it's keeping
; track of it's animation state itself. In global Animation, the game object
; gets it's current frame (animation state) from an external source, thus
; allowing many objects to be animated in unison. Given the game objects
; in the demo, each need to animate separately of each other, we'll need to
; take an local animation approach.
; So how we do it ? Well, the mechanics are really pretty simple. In this
; example, we're initializing the doors to give them a screen position and a
; state. Each door starts in it's closed state.
; During the programs main loop, we're running through the array of doors.
; For each door, we check it's state.
; If the Door is currently closed, then we check to see if the user
; is clicking the mouse upon this door. If they are,
; we change this doors state to Opening and set this
; doors Starting animation time. If they didn't, we just
; continue on to draw the door.
; If a door is opening or closing, we apply it's animation logic code.
; In this example, we calc the elapsed time (the time from
; when the door started to open) in milliseconds . Then
; we use this time to calculate the doors swing angle and
; it's current state. In the code, one full cycle of
; swing animation will take 1000 milliseconds (1 second),
; 1/2 a second to open and the 1/2 a second to close.
; So,
; * if the elapsed time is less than 500 milliseconds, the door
; is opening.
; * if the elapsed time is greater than 500 milliseconds, the door
; is closing.
; And finally if the elapsed time is greater than 1000 milliseconds, the
; door has closed and it's state is reset to closed.
; So since each door holds it's state and animation timers internally, the
; same basic logic can be applied to any number of game objects.
; Controls:
; ========
; Mouse = Click the mouse on lines

// Define the some constants that we'll use for the various door states
Constant DoorState_Closed =1
Constant DoorState_Opening =2
Constant DoorState_Closing =3

// Define the Type to hold everything about the door
Type tDoor

// Create an array to hold a bunch of doors in it
Dim Doors(MaxDoors) as tdoor

// Run through and init all of the Doors positions on screen and
// their size and colours

For lp=1 to MaxDoors

// Set the Doors state
Doors(lp).State =DoorState_Closed

// set this doors doors position on screen
Doors(lp).x =Xpos
Doors(lp).y =Ypos

// set its' colour and size
Doors(lp).Colour =rndrgb()
Doors(lp).Size =50

// move the position coords to where the next door
// will be
if Xpos=>700

; >> Main LOOP <<

// Start of programs main DO/LOOP

// Clear Screen to black
Cls rgb(0,0,0)

// Get Mouse state at start of frame.

// Get the current Time (in milliseconds)

// Run through and arocess all doors in the Doors() array
For lp=1 to MaxDoors
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 Related Examples:

   * Sprite Tweening / Animation
    * Movement Path Library Example