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Important note about the downloadable NeverDawn file!

Started by Green7, October 02, 2008, 12:14:52 PM

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Important note to my entry, and the file that is aviable for download:

before you start the game, please do the folowing step: open the file "progress.fdn" and write in as folowed:


else you will not be able to play the full story!

For the editor:

you have to compile it with playbasic, the exe is missing for now, sry.

Kevin, if you could reup a fixed version, i would be glad about it, thx! ;D


btw: the progress.fdn file is located in NeverDawn\Editor\GUI\Story!  ;)


Note: The NeverDawn download has been updated, so this is no longer nessecary.


Thx a lot! (now your right after Elvis in my list of famous peoples! And Elvis is still the king! ;D)