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Checking e-mail address syntax in PlayBASIC

Started by Adaz, April 01, 2008, 09:47:01 AM

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I'm very productive today :)
Here is an e-mail address syntax checking function I wrote today.

It returns -1 if the syntax is correct, otherwise various positive numbers so you can determine the cause of the syntax error.

Please feel free to post comments / suggestions.

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
Function EmailSyntaxOK(email$)
l=Len(email$): If l<6 Or l>50: Exitfunction 1: EndIf

Local index ; Position in email$
Local CountAt ; Number of "@"
Local LastDotPos ; Position of the previous dot in the string
Local CurrentChar$ ; Buffer that holds the contents of the string one char at a time.


;check for disallowed characters
For i=1 To Len(email$)
If InString(allowedcharacters$,Mid$(email$,i,1),1,True)=0: Exitfunction 2: EndIf
Next i

LastDotPos = 0
CountAt = 0

; Check for certain generably allowable characters in the beginning of address
Select Left$(email$, 1)
Case ".","@","_","-","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"
Exitfunction 3

; Check for the disallowed "." in the end of address
If Right$(email$, 1)=".": Exitfunction 4: EndIf

; Check the string for non-allowable characters.
For index = 1 To Len(email$)
CurrentChar$ = Mid$(email$, index, 1)
; Count the number of "@".
If CurrentChar$ = "@": Inc CountAt: EndIf
; If there are two consecutive dots, it's not a valid address.
If CurrentChar$ = "."
If index = LastDotPos + 1
Exitfunction 5
LastDotPos = index
Next index

If CountAt<>1: Exitfunction 6: EndIf

If InString(email$,".@",1,True) Or InString(email$,"@.",1,True): Exitfunction 7: EndIf

; If the extension isn't a known one, it's not a valid address.
If InString(valid4extensions$,Right$(email$, 5),1,True): ext=True: EndIf
If InString(valid3extensions$,Right$(email$, 4),1,True): ext=True: EndIf
If InString(valid2extensions$,Right$(email$, 3),1,True): ext=True: EndIf
If ext=False: Exitfunction 8: EndIf
EndFunction -1

