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Encode Files / Hide File Contents / Xor Encryption

Started by kevin, April 15, 2015, 12:59:36 PM

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  Encode File  / Hide File Contents / Xor Encryption

     This example loads a file into a memory bank,  XOR'S the bank and saves the result back to disc.   Rather than running through and xor'ing each byte/long, we're using some built in functionality to do the heavy lifting for us, by copying the file data in chunks directly into an FX image fragment, then using the XOR inkmode to do the work.   So the amount of runtime overhead is tiny.  

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
   explicit on

// the image you want to test.. point this at some junk picture file
local srcfile$ ="SOME PICTURE.png"

// the encoded output file
local encodedfile$=replace$(srcfile$,".","-ENCODED-FILE.")

// the decoded output file
local resultfile$=replace$(srcfile$,".","-DECODED-FILE.")

// load the source file and XOR it the

// we decode using the same function and the same key

// load the final image
loadimage resultfile$,1
drawimage 1,0,50,false


; >> XOR Encode File <<
; This function XORS the input file and saves the result out to disc.

function EncodeFile(Srcfile$,DestFile$,XORKEY)

if fileexist(SrcFIle$)

print "encoding:"+srcfile$

local Size=Filesize(SrcFIle$)
local ThisBank=NewBank(Size)

local fh=readnewfile(Srcfile$)
if fh
local ptr =GetBankPtr(ThisBank)
Readmemory fh,ptr,Size
closefile fh


if lower$(srcfile$)<> lower$(DestFile$)
if fileexist(destFile$) then deletefile destfile$

local fh=writenewfile(Destfile$)
if fh
Writememory fh,ptr,ptr+Size
closefile fh


deletebank thisbank



; >> XOR BANK <<
; This function XORS the contents of the memory bank with a user defiend 32bit
; key. This function uses PlayBASIC XOR draw mode to do the heavy lifting, making
; the function vey fast.

function XorBank(ThisBank,ThisKEY)

if GetBankStatus(ThisBank)
local size=getbanksize(ThisBank)

local oldsurface=getsurface()
local oldinkmode =getinkmode()

local StripWidth=1024
local StripHeight=32

// first we create an FX buffer that's 32bit
local StripImage=GetFreeIMage()
CReateFXImageEX StripImage,StripWidth,StripHeight,32

rendertoimage StripImage

local Modulo=GetIMagePitch(StripIMage)
local BytesPerChunk=Modulo*StripHeight

local stripptr=getimagePtr(StripImage)

local lp

// set to XOR mode
inkmode 1+1024

local SrcPtr=GetBankPtr(ThisBank)
for lp=0 to size-1 step BytesPerChunk

local ChunkSize=BytesPerChunk
if lp+BytesPerChunk>=Size

// copy this chunk of bytes into the image buffer directly
copymemory SrcPtr,StripPtr,ChunkSize

// draw box over the image in XOR mode using this INK colour as the KEY
boxc 0,0,StripWidth,StripHeight,true,ThisKEY

// copy this chunk of bytes into the image
copymemory StripPtr,SrcPtr,ChunkSize

// move the pointer to the next chunk along in the bank


rendertoimage oldsurface
inkmode oldinkmode

deleteimage Stripimage

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 Encode File  / Hide File Contents / Xor Encryption #2 - Loading Encrypted Images From Memory

     This example expands upon the previous example, breaking up some of the previous code and creating a load from memory function.   PlayBASIC supports loading various images types of memory including BMP / TGA / PNG all except JPG at this point.  To load a image from memory through the LoadImage functions we give the function the address (as a string) of the image in memory rather than a filename.   The loader expects the pointer you give it to be pointing at the size of the image chunk.  Which is necessary given how some of the image loaders.   Anyway,  when loading from memory the loading streams through the memory as if it was a coming from disc.      This means we can encode our images in some way (here were using XOR) then wrap up the image loading functions to apply what ever decoding is required, without ever having to write the decoded file back to disc..  Making it a more secure what dealing with your media assets..  

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
   explicit on

// the image you want to test.. point this at some junk picture
local srcfile$="d:\PlayBasicBanner.png"

// create the name of the encoded output file
local encodedfile$=replace$(srcfile$,".","-ENCODED-FILE.")

// XOR encode the original file with the user KEY and save it to disc with a new name

// Load the encoded version of the file to Memory, decode it and then load,
// the image from memory (PNG / BMP / TGA only)
local ThisImage=LoadEncodedImage(EncodedFIle$,$33445522)

// display the loaded image
drawimage ThisImage,0,50,false


; >> XOR Encode File <<
; This function XORS the input file and saves the result out to disc.

function EncodeFile(Srcfile$,DestFile$,XORKEY)

if fileexist(SrcFIle$)

print "encoding:"+srcfile$

local Size=Filesize(SrcFIle$)
local ThisBank=NewBank(Size)

local fh=readnewfile(Srcfile$)
if fh
local ptr =GetBankPtr(ThisBank)
Readmemory fh,ptr,Size
closefile fh


if lower$(srcfile$)<> lower$(DestFile$)
if fileexist(destFile$) then deletefile destfile$

local fh=writenewfile(Destfile$)
if fh
Writememory fh,ptr,ptr+Size
closefile fh


deletebank thisbank



; >> Load Encoded Image <<
; This function loads the file into memory, restored the data to it's original state
; using the XOR function and the orignal KEY. Then it loads the file directly from
; memory as an Image.

Function LoadEncodedImage(ThisFIle$,ThisKey)

if fileexist(ThisFIle$)

print "loading Encoded Image file:"+Thisfile$

local Size=Filesize(ThisFIle$)
local ThisBank=NewBank(Size+32)

local fh=readnewfile(Thisfile$)
if fh
local ptr =GetBankPtr(ThisBank)
Readmemory fh,ptr+4,Size
closefile fh

; poke the size of the image into the head of the bank
pokebankint ThisBank,0,size

; unscramble the image memory

; load it directly from memory


deletebank thisbank


EndFUnction ThisImage

; >> XOR BANK <<
; This function XORS the contents of the memory bank with a user defiend 32bit
; key. This function uses PlayBASIC XOR draw mode to do the heavy lifting, making
; the function vey fast.

function XorBank(ThisBank,ThisKEY)
if GetBankStatus(ThisBank)


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