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Shapes Rotating

Started by Big C., March 24, 2006, 09:14:22 AM

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Big C.


how can I rotate a shape in the middle or whatever Point of the shape?

Or how can I get the handle of a shape from the upper-left-corner to the center or any point of the shape?

Has someone an idee?

thx Big C.


The vertex in the shape rotate around zero (the shapes axis).  You can change the vertex positions by using the ShiftShape command.  

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
   CReateShape 1,4,4

; Create 4 verts to form a box
SetShapeVertex 1,0,0,0 ; Top left coord
SetShapeVertex 1,1,100,0 ; Top Right coord
SetShapeVertex 1,2,100,100 ; Bot Right coord
SetShapeVertex 1,3,0,100 ; Bot left coord

SetShapeEdge 1,0,0,1 ; connect vertex 0 to vertex 1
SetShapeEdge 1,1,1,2 ; connect vertex 1 to vertex 2
SetShapeEdge 1,2,2,3 ; connect vertex 2 to vertex 3
SetShapeEdge 1,3,3,0 ; connect vertex 3 to vertex 0

; Copy this shape
CopyShape 1,2

; Add -50x and -50 Y to the shapes vertex. To center it
ShiftShape 2,-50,-50

Cls 0

; ROtate both shapes
RotateShape 1,angle#,1.0
RotateShape 2,angle#,1.0

; draw them
ink rgb(255,255,255)
drawshape 1,200,100,2
Circlec 200,100,5,0,rndrgb() ; draw axis

drawshape 2,500,100,2
Circlec 500,100,5,0,rndrgb() ; draw axis



Big C.

boarr Kevin,

great... thats it i have looking for (i hope i don't find this example in the Play Basic Reference, because i have searching it before but nothing find to use)

many thx for your fast help...

Big C.