
Building a 3D Ray Tracer  By stevmjon

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Started by flockhound, May 22, 2006, 10:27:24 AM

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Just wondering about the demo I downloaded just a few days ago.  It says it is a 30 day demo but now I'm forced to register it (which I don't mind) and cannot run any code.  I'm betting it is probably because I've ran too much code (just looking at the examples).  Do you know where it states the demo's limits?


QuoteJust wondering about the demo I downloaded just a few days ago.  It says it is a 30 day demo but now I'm forced to register it (which I don't mind) and cannot run any code.  I'm betting it is probably because I've ran too much code (just looking at the examples).  Do you know where it states the demo's limits?

I had a problem where I changed the date on my system and locked the trial version accidentally. If it's not that, I have no idea. I'm pretty sure there's not a limit on the amount of code you can run.


  The original Demos only had 30 days, with  limited media and no exe building functionality.  Installing a newer demo, doesn't necessarily super-cede a previous installations limits.   Post or email me your 'compiler.log' file  

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This is what Compiler.log says:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 20 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 28
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 21 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 27
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 21 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 27
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 21 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 27
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 22 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 26
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  [ Open Session ]

Environment Info

     Compiler: V1.33
         Date: 29th,Apr,2006
Window Version: Windows ME
 Current Date: 22 May 2006

Trail Info

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢
Days Remaining Of Trail: 26
>>>>>>>>>>>Trail Period Over<<<<<<<



That seems to be in order. ie.  21st April -> 20th May.   Although, there is some corruption in the log.


So is anything going to fix my demo?

Ian Price

It's not broken, it's expired. 30 days is all you get from the demo.

Why not buy the full version? It's definitely worth it. And at that price, it's a bargain. PB offers big performance at a very little price. It compares favourably with BlitzMax, BlitzBASIC and PureBASIC and look at the price of those!

Go on, you know you want to :D
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


And currently clever coders get 15% off (see here). You are clever, aren't you?  :D


=( and don't make the mistake of buying it through TGC like I did.
QuoteOh please


It no longer matters where customers order from.  As patches are public and will work on either retail version.  All a customer needs, is their original retail installer.   Beside providing improved security for us, this ensures that all PB users have access to the latest PB updates at the same time.   The drama previously, was that while we'd issue TGC with a new update, it might be a week(or more) before they bother to post it.   Let alone announce it. Which to my knowledge, they've never done.

  In regards to demos.  PB1.17  through -> PB1.38 demo updates/installers all have 30 day limit.  PB1.089 was unique with 60day limit for the compo.   Some revisions have unique time keys and others don't.   There is an oddity though on WinME systems, where for some reason keys can be corrupted, as per above.  There is no known cure. Obviously, If there was i'd fix it!

  On the subject of the demo, I've kicking around the idea to removing the 30 day trial period.  There would still  be limitations imposed. (Probably program length  + version obsolescence )   My reasons for this, are that closed trials (at this point) don't really help us in the growth of the user base.  In fact, I believe it's counter productive.  As users don't get enough time to feel their way in.  

 Feedback ?

Ian Price

What you could do Kevin is just limit PB from producing .EXE files - that way demo users could still run and create PB games for as long as they want, but are limited in their distribution as code only. I think that users would soon get fed up with this once they realise just how good PB is.

Or make an electronic water-mark within the software that displays on screen at all times.

There are lots of ways of imposing a limit on a software without killing it dead after a set time-scale.
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


Producing no .exes is a good idea. Another one might be a two second PB splash screen each time the source code is run...

An additional positive effect might be that the demo users generate source code that could go into the code tank. And of course they can take the time to code whatever they want and buy the full version if they want to release something as Ian already mentioned...


The reason I ever asked is because I haven't had the demo for 30 days.  Rather, I believe it's been a week.  I'm ordering it anyways.


QuoteWhat you could do Kevin is just limit PB from producing .EXE files - that way demo users could still run and create PB games for as long as they want, but are limited in their distribution as code only. I think that users would soon get fed up with this once they realise just how good PB is.

 Yeah, originally that's what we started with.  The drama was there's wasn't a great conversion rate.  After adding a limit sales certainly improved. Hence why there's still a time limit today.   So that's a certainly concern here.  but a bigger concern is alienating potential users from having a bit of fun.  (aka viral marketing 101)  

  If there was ever a time to remove the limit, now would be that time. Even if only for 6/12 months. As as you say, version obsolesce will give those serious users a real incentive to purchase + the user growing user base.  Even if they don't, we'll all gain from their exploits within/around the community anyway.  

QuoteAn additional positive effect might be that the demo users generate source code that could go into the code tank.

 Agreed.  That's pretty much my main incentive now. Get more people using it..



 Yes, there is certainly an issue with the time limit on WinME machines (and prolly 98/se machines also- I.e. Time keys get corrupted. See bellow ).  But from the log dates above, it's logged the first execution date as  21st,Apr,2006   While this was probably from a earlier install,  not all editions of the demo ignore old installs.  Which is prolly why it's timed out.

Base:21 apr 2006
First:18 May 2006
Last:19 May 20064c¢   <- This should not occur..