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500 forum users ahead!

Started by thaaks, March 16, 2006, 04:55:45 PM

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Will the 500th forum user receive a bitmap of a nice bunch of flowers?  :D


Ian Price

Can I register another 6 accounts and either not post anything and disappear, post a question then disappear or just post a load of crap about how poor PB is? ;) :P

We seriously need to do something about putting PB on the map. Anyone got any ideas? (legal ones!)

In the meantime, let's write some more games. :)
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


about 'putting ltpb on the map' - my suggestion would be to extensively advertise PB through the schooling system.  Sell it through schoolastic magazine, or give free copies to schools for educational purposes.  Also - if you created In-IDE tutorials covering the basic's of BASIC, this would be a smash hit among middle schoolers (Much like Interplay's Learn to Program BASIC several years back).  This would immediately put PB on the map.

just my two cents worth


include it in boxes of cereal!
QuoteOh please


Quoteeducational purposes

   Love to and we've had interest in this field already.  But there's a hitch, it's not OO.   Sadly, for our high school system at least this is now a requirement.  And yes for those people keeping score, you now know why adding some light weight OO is on the cards... :)

   In terms of advertising, it's tricky.  Retro, 2D is really not very sexy.

  We've tried a few magazines in the past, got a few nibbles but nothing really happened past that. Was a bit of a catch 22 though.  Meaning it's difficult to sell the advantages of a product, which had only existed a brief time at that point. That was 12 to 18 months ago though.          

   Given that's it now a year later and that both PB and examples + games being produced now are of a much higher quality, we now have some much  better ammunition to win some page space in not only computer mags, but any press.   As I think editorial in general in good thing.  For you guys also.