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Map filtering

Started by Tracy, March 11, 2006, 04:44:46 PM

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Anyone else having trouble with the transparent color for map tiles after loading v. 1.23 retail? I didn't tweak my code at all, but now I'm getting the background black showing up in my map tiles where it wasn't before. I've tried manually setting the ImageMaskColour of the tiles but no dice.

Anyone? Is it a 1.23 bug or am I missing something?




previously maskcolour filtering on didn't appear to be work.. which has been fixed.

 make sure when you create the block for your map, that the maskcolour you provides is correct. Setting the imagemaskcolour will have no effect


Quotepreviously maskcolour filtering on didn't appear to be work.. which has been fixed.

  make sure when you create the block for your map, that the maskcolour you provides is correct. Setting the imagemaskcolour will have no effect

I'm having the opposite experience. My makscolour filtering worked up until v. 1.23, and now doesn't.

In fact, when I load the 2D game example that came with the compiler I still get the black from the tiles, which wasn't there before.

I've checked the command line loading the gfx:

MakeMapGFX ThisMap,MapGfxIMage,Tile_width,Tile_height,40,RGB(0,0,0)

and checked that the background on the tiles is indeed black, and still no luck. Is this reproducible to anyone else?

Any other suggestions, Kevin?



yeah. platform game tiles have black backgrounds


In fixing the prior issues with masking, the solution has opened up a hole in PB1.22 and 1.23.  Some maps work some don't.  I've built a new beta where all the test maps here are working correctly thus far.  

Old Link removed

Regarding Betas

 I'm somewhat disturbed but the lack of people downloading and installing them.  Betas are posted for all users to validate thier code in prior to building patches.


Quote Regarding Betas

  I'm somewhat disturbed but the lack of people downloading and installing them.  Betas are posted for all users to validate thier code in prior to building patches.
My guess is that people download betas only if they are affected by one of the fixed bugs - so it does make sense for them to download and try if the bug is really fixed.
Other users would stay with their current retail version as there is no urgent reason for them to switch to a beta.

Why should I download a beta if I am not having troubles with the current retail version?  And if I download the beta I cannot create executables anymore. So I am stuck with the beta (or need to switch back to the last retail version) until you release the next retail patch.
It's the same if I want to use a new feature of a beta version. If I can add appropriate code using the new sexy feature to my app/game I will still have to wait until you release the retail version to create an executable version of my app/game.

So the only reason to download a beta is if
- I am stuck with a bug that is fixed in the beta. After downloading the beta I can continue with my app/game. Fine.
- I am keen on using some new feature provided by the beta. I don't plan to release the game in the next few days so I don't mind that I can't release an executable right now.

That doesn't leave too many potential downloaders of a beta version.

What to do about it?

Maybe select a bunch of volunteers who beta test every version and only release retail patches to the masses?
Maybe allow beta versions to create executables for registered customers?
Maybe announce a time frame when a retail patch will be available (one week after beta release) so that users can decide if it's worth installing the beta?
Maybe simplify installing/uninstalling betas (no zip but some update/undo update mechanism)?
Maybe give the users some advantage/incentive if they download and test the beta (by giving UW points to users who provide testcases showing that they really did some testing or give them additional ranks in the forums like beta tester, great beta tester, king of testers  :D  ) like a bonus system?

Just my 2 cent,
:unsure: Tommy

Ian Price

I agree with pretty much all of the above (except the bonus point system - how can you tell if someone has tested something to the same degree as someone else? Plus I don't necessarily have time to create something that takes advantage of one particular feature).

At the end of the day, I'm not really convinced by BETAs. Just provide any updated code in a proper update. Bug reports will still come in as and when they are discovered (the 1.23 update proves that point). Surely all updates are really only betas anyway, as work continues on PB?

Recent betas have not really been any use to me - forced declaration and mapping fixes are things that don't affect/aren't important to me at this point. I like the freedom of choosing my variables when I want them and I use my own mapping routines so the betas/updates were really kind of moot (for me). However those that do want them had the choice to download them, which is good.

I have however dowloaded the 1.23 update and 1.24 beta now. :)
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


While, I really don't disagree with anything that's been said either.   Fundamentally betas are a quick (much quicker than a patch or a full release) and easy way for me to gain immediate feedback across a broad scope of projects and coding styles.    If more people adapted them, it would aid in making PB development faster and reduce customer support post patch release dramatically !  

  And with things turning more towards compiler/parser related every day,  It's critically important to get feedback early.  

 While on the subject.   Nobody should  make the assumption that since a new feature has been implemented it won't affect you.  Case in point. The pointer system has changed the bulk of parser already, as such,  it may well incorrectly parse or even worse incorrectly execute your existing code.  Regardless if your using them or not!

Ian Price

QuoteThe pointer system has changed the bulk of parser already, as such, it may well incorrectly parse or even worse incorrectly execute your existing code. Regardless if your using them or not!

Which is a pretty good reason for not updating really :P
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


As a newb who's in school full time, I wasn't even aware that Beta's existed.

I browse the forums when I get a chance, download a new patch when it comes out, and hope my game still runs after I update. (Last time the stricter rules forced me to fix a bunch of sloppy code before the thing would even run. Not a bad thing, really. I learned a lot in the process.)

In the meantime, I try to avoid asking too many dumb questions and just enjoy PB for the great programming environment that it is. I studied paschal for a semester in high school more than seven years ago and haven't touched a language or compiler until this January when I downloaded PB. I've had a lot of fun with it, and I've been VERY impressed with the PB learning curve and help menus.

I'll pay more attention to Beta's in the future (time permitting), 'cause I'd like to do what I can to support the PLayBasic community. In the meantime, thanks for the update, Kevin.
