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Fade Screen/Image to Black

Started by kevin, February 08, 2006, 12:17:44 AM

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This example fades an image in/out to and from black.  The effect is achieved via using the Variable Colour Alpha draw mode in sprites.  

Variable colour alpha allows you to blend the pixels of the sprite  image against a fixed colour.  The blending is proportional.  That is to say, when the sprites blend value is set to 0.5 alpha,  then the outputted image is a 50% blend of the sprites alpha colour and the sprites image.  

Example Blend Level Values  (legal values range between 0.00 and 1.00)

   0.00 =  Alpha Colour is dominate (Outputted pixels are 100% the alpha colour)
   0.25 =  Alpha Colour is dominate (Outputted pixels are 75% alpha colour + 25% image)
   0.50 =  Colours are Balanced (Outputted pixels are 50% blend between the alpha colour + image)
   0.75 =  Image Colour is dominate (Outputted pixels are 75% image colour + 25% alpha colour)
   1.00 =  Image Colour is dominate (Outputted pixels are 100% the image colour)
 It's important to the understand the fading process does not effect the pixels of the
faded image.   As the blending process occurs during the rendering.  Where outputted pixels are manipulated in real time

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
; Load the Face 

; Get the Size of the screen

; Create an image the size of the screen. This image will be
; used to as the fading source image

; redirect drawing to this image
RenderToImage ScreenImage

; calc a centered positionof the Face image.

; DRaw the face image tiled to the Screen Image
tileimage FaceIMage,w,h,true

; Prepare the Screen image into FX format.
preparefximage ScreenImage

; Create a sprite that will be used for the fading effect. This sprite
; is positioned at X=0,Y=0 and is assigned the ScreenImage for it's gfx

; Set the DRaw mode to Rotated (2) + Variable ALpha Colour
SpriteDrawMode FadeSprite,2+2048 ; Set draw mode to (rotate + Variable Colour Alpha)

; Set the Alpha Colour to fade this image between
SpriteAlphaColour FadeSprite,RGB(0,0,0)

; set the Alpha level to zero. When Alpha level is 0, then Fade colour is domanate.
; SO the image renders as the fade colour.

SpriteAlphaLevel FadeSprite,0

; Disable transparent masking of this image. So the image will be drawn entirely
Spritetransparent FadeSprite,off

; redirect rendering to the screen

; Create a variable to hold the current fade direction rate.
; Positive fade direction values fade the image in, negative values
; fade it out.


; Create variabel to hold the current fade (alpha) level value.

; draw the sprite to the screen
DrawSprite FadeSprite

; Adjust the fade level

; set the alpha (fade) level
SpriteAlphaLevel FadeSprite,FadeLevel#

; If the Fade level is bigger than 1 (it's max value) then
; we flip the Fade_dir value, to start it fading out.
if FadeLevel#=>1 then Fade_dir#=-Fade_dir#

; If the Fade level is smaller than 0 (it's min value) then
; flip the Fade_dir value back to positive, to start it fading in
; again.
if FadeLevel#<=0 then Fade_dir#=-Fade_dir#

; Set the ink colour to Red
ink rgb(255,0,0)

; draw the frame rate
Text 10,10,fps()

; Display the Screen

; Loop back to the do statement and continue