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Commodore-Atari Favourites

Started by stef, December 17, 2005, 02:39:45 PM

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I had an Amiga 500 long time ago. Was a really good machine.
Some of my favourite games:

Popoulus (the best)
Cadaver (dungeon like)
Tower of babel

and of course Monkey Island



SWIV was prolly my favorite Amiga game.


Never had an Amiga but owned an Atari ST 1040.
Pretty cool machine - even did my diploma work on it!

Favorite games were
Oxyd (a puzzle game with a marble, there's now a remake named Enigma),
Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy.

Loved the gfx and sound and music of Cadaver but never mastered the game  :(


A few of my Amiga 500 favourites

Fire and Ice
Cannon Fodder
The Lost Vikings

Did you ever play the crazy PD shooter called Pod? I have a bit of a soft spot for that one :D
It was one of those keep your finger rooted to the fire button and pray type games, it didn't matter how many enemy ships you destroyed as they were always replaced with more. The thing I liked most about the game (aside from it's manicness) was the scrolling colour grid and stars, I'd always sit and watch for a while before playing. Definitely a game I'd like to remake (and enhance) although not for the competition. :)


Amiga...had a 600 (my mate had the 500).

My personal favorites were
1) Cannon Fodder
2) The Settlers

I think Desert Strike comes in third, being affectionatly known in our house as "chelliwopter bang bang" (my dad cam up with it, not me).

Ian Price

I owned an Amiga 600 and absolutely loved -

Alien Breed SE
Cannon Fodder
BoulderDash Construction Kit
Rainbow Islands
AMOS Professional (OK, it's not a game, but programming is more of a challenge and more enjoyable than most games  :D)
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


I have a working A4000 / 030 with a HD 420 MB ,
and this programs/games
Elite ,
Elite II
Amos Pro ,
Final Writer,
And Dpaint IV
and much more...

I like this machine , but wihout software the best
computer is nothing.

Greetings Duncki


Speaking of Elite (who can forget that), I was seriously tempted to throw in some software 3d into PB.  Mainly object rotation/translation to viewer and polygon clipping->to scene.  Save the user doing the grunt work (like in the uw3d demo)  More as an experiment than a feature though at this point.

Digital Awakening

The most fun I've ever had on my A500 probably was me and my friend playing SWIV. We played through it a few times with the cheat and almost beat the game without it. We also played Jaguar XJ 220 a lot, one of the best car games ever.

Here's a list of the other games in no particular order that I can remember as some of the best:
Cannon Fodder (So much fun...)
Another World (Played it through later as the extened Out of this World on PC)
Sensible Soccer 2 (Only soccer game I've ever liked)
Monkey Island (And I couldn't even save the game, played through on PC later)
Desert Strike (Tough game but a lot of fun, got to map 3)
Fiendlish Freddy (A fun circus game)
Duck Tales (Based on the cartoon series and amazingly well made)
The Lost Vikings (My version was buggy and froze my Amiga but I still completed it before my PC friends)
Flashback (I only had 2 of 4 discs for this platformer of platformers so I never got past the 2nd level until I played it on a Sega emu.)
Willy Beamish (Even played it with only 1 floppy drive)
International Karate + (simple yet fun)
PP Hammer (The only puzzle game I enjoyed on Amiga)
Harlequin (I never got far and I lost my save disc but it was quite an amazing game)
Battleships (Only here because me and my dad played this until late at night for like a week until we got tired of it)
Pirates! (I own the Collector's Box of the new 3D version)

Ah, what memories :)
Wisit my site at:


Digital Awakening

3 more Amiga classics:

Chaos Engine (Another one I played loads with my old friend, best 2 player game ever)
Simon the Sorcerer (Another good graphical adventure)
Syndicate (Cool game, I just started playing it though)
Wisit my site at:


Amiga Abandonware  -  Lots of Amiga games here i'd never seen before.