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Got any screen shots for the UW news letter ?

Started by kevin, March 22, 2005, 08:28:14 AM

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I'm looking for some PB shots fop the news letter, and for the site while i'm at it..


Hmmm...well you asked for it :)

DualCore Intel Core 2 processor @ 2.3 ghz, Geforce 8600 GT (latest forceware drivers), 2 gigs of ram, WIN XP home edition sp2, FireFox 2.

"You'll no doubt be horrified to discover that PlayBasic is a Programming Language." -Kevin


well - im planning on making an RPG but before i can do that I'd need a cool map editor to go with - it so i started making one.  I just bought PlayBASIC about 3 days ago and this is what I've done so far.  Hopefully we can rig this up to be a small multi-player online game.

P.S.  it runs plenty fast in other resolutions - but for pixel games, it looks best it 320,240.  But you can change the resolution to whatever you want in the preferences.

P.S.S  Yes, all the art is mine.  I am a pixel artist.   :P


Very authentic Old School style. :)


I'll second that !  Very impressive for a few days work

Screenshot attached locally


Heh, thanks guys.  I would've just used playmapper for my level creations, but I need special stuff such as npc's, warp events, and stuff like that.  Its alot easier to make a game when your editor is specialized i guess.

if you interested, click on the 'gallery' graphic in my sig to see some of my pixel stuff.

dang - I just noticed my grass tiles look a little repetitive.  Im gunna have to fix that.


Well, PlayMapper was written to be fairly generic, we fully understand that's not going to suit everybody.  No matter.  I'm certainly looking forward to watching this project progress.



It's not finished yet, but this is the prototype for my ostrich race. (It works and I am using it in the pub, but it needs a lot of improvement)



thanks Kevin, The Screenshot isn't that interesting, but the improvements I'v made over the last few days (4layers of background moving at proressively slower speeds as you look into the distance) work really well, with no loss of performance, altho the FPS is about 130!


Everyone run away in fear, in fear of my Tamogotchi/Pokemon/Strategy RPG...
DualCore Intel Core 2 processor @ 2.3 ghz, Geforce 8600 GT (latest forceware drivers), 2 gigs of ram, WIN XP home edition sp2, FireFox 2.

"You'll no doubt be horrified to discover that PlayBasic is a Programming Language." -Kevin


Draco, Are you interested in rewriting my race, or at least putting in a routine to replay the last 8-10secs? Kevin is obviously way to busy & this is a cash for results project.


QuoteDraco, Are you interested in rewriting my race, or at least putting in a routine to replay the last 8-10secs? Kevin is obviously way to busy & this is a cash for results project.

You should just PM me with the details, I don't think this is a good place to chat
DualCore Intel Core 2 processor @ 2.3 ghz, Geforce 8600 GT (latest forceware drivers), 2 gigs of ram, WIN XP home edition sp2, FireFox 2.

"You'll no doubt be horrified to discover that PlayBasic is a Programming Language." -Kevin