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Usborne 1980s computer books Released as PDFs

Started by kevin, February 09, 2016, 08:05:36 AM

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Many of today's tech professionals were inspired by the Usborne computing books they read as children. The books included program listings for such iconic computers as the ZX Spectrum, the BBC Micro and the Commodore 64, and are still used in some computer clubs today.

  It's nice they've published them. Bound to be some useful stuff tucked away in these books.     The only kink is, that most 8bit basic's generally didn't have nice convenient drawing / interface command sets, in favor you hitting the hardware directly (Peek / Poke). If your not familiar with this, it could make deciphering those programs a bit of a headache today (ie C64), but the hardware reference manuals are everywhere.

  To get the real experience fire up the C64 emulator and write something on it..   :)