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mp3 tags

Started by philathome, October 20, 2010, 01:20:06 AM

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can someone show me how to get the time from an  mp3 song tag thanks in advance


 Without knowing the file format, that's not exactly simplest request.   There's bound to be sites that describe the hunk formats, if not existing examples in other languages.  Just a matter of finding them.


ok thanks but i have found a dll on a darkbasic site called dark audio is it posable to use this dll with playbasic if so can you show me how


  I've no idea what DarkAudio is, but if it's setup as plug in for Dbpro, then no.  If it's an external dll (that doesn't hook into Dbpro), then maybe. 

Big C.

If I understand your request correctly then you want to get the PLAYLENGTH of an MP3-File.
The Problem is that MP3 havn't this information in a reading Term like hh:mm:ss inside the MP3-File

But you can read the 4KByte Headers of each frame and you have to calculate the length by yourself.

Its really complicated but I have found a page which explains the 4KByte Header in a short term ==> CLick me

and I found a function in a BlitzBasic Forum which converted the Specs in Basic. In the attachment you get a version for playbasic. Its not the fastest way I thougth but you will get your length of an MP3-File.

Big C.


thank you for takeing the time to find that for me and it is a bit slow
i have found this dill on the darkbasic site and i was wondering if it would work with playbasic


It's a Dbpro plugin so most likely 99% useless.  Next time post a link and not the file