WAITKEY causes program to skip name entry!

Started by Mikemc, July 18, 2010, 05:43:25 AM

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If I have StaticInput anywhere after a waitkey, the key-press from waitkey carries over to the Input, bypassing it. At the same time if I have a Waitkey after the Input, it gets skipped!

#Include "Input"

print "Press a key to continue. You should then be asked your name."
print "However, if you press ENTER the program will mysteriously end."
; Request the player enter their name
Name$=StaticInput("Please type your name then confirm with anything except ENTER: ")
print "If you can read this, count to 30 then press a key."

Ok, I tried adding a WaitNoKey after the first WaitKey but pressing Enter here skips the Name entry.
This is getting overly complex for some simple wait commands! I mean seriously, a DOS batch file uses 'pause' and 'choice' with no errors.


You could just change "waitkey" line to "waitkey: flushkeys".
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